
Low Magnesium is associated with low Vitamin D – Jan 2025

Association between magnesium and vitamin D status in adults with high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency

European Journal of Nutrition Volume 64, article number 48, (2025) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00394-024-03559-9
Armin Zittermann, Sieglinde Zelzer, Markus Herrmann, Marcus Kleber, Winfried Maerz & Sefan Pilz

It has been assumed that magnesium (Mg) status may interact with vitamin D status. We therefore aimed at investigating the association between Mg and vitamin D status in a large cohort of adult individuals with a high prevalence of deficient/insufficient vitamin D and Mg status.

We used data from the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health Study (n = 2,286) to analyze differences according to serum Mg status in circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] (primary endpoint), 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [24,25(OH)2D3], vitamin D metabolite ratio and calcitriol, and odds ratios for deficient or insufficient 25(OH)D (secondary endpoints). We performed unadjusted and risk score (RS) adjusted and matched analyses.

Of the study cohort (average age > 60 years), one third was 25(OH)D deficient (< 12 ng/mL), one third 25(OH)D insufficient (12 to < 20 ng/mL), about 10% Mg deficient (< 0.75 mmol/L) and additional 40% potentially Mg deficient (0.75 to 0.85 mmol/L).
In adjusted/matched analyses, 25(OH)D was only non-significantly lower in Mg deficient or insufficient groups versus their respective control group (P > 0.05).
Only the RS-adjusted, but not the RS-matched odds ratio of 25(OH)D deficiency was significantly lower for the group with adequate versus deficient/potentially deficient Mg status (0.83; 95%CI: 0.69–0.99), and only the RS-matched, but not the RS-adjusted odds ratio of 25(OH)D insufficiency was significantly lower for non-deficient versus deficient Mg status (0.69; 95%CI: 0.48–0.99). Other adjusted or matched secondary endpoints did not differ significantly between subgroups of Mg status.

Our data indicate only little effect between Mg and vitamin D status in adults with high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency.
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VitaminDWiki – Magnesium and Vitamin D contains

375 items in category, see also

Magnesium and Vitamin D

12+ VitaminDWiki Magnesium pages have MANY STUDIES in the title
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Items found: 15

Associations between Magnesium and other categories

Omega-3 33,  Diabetes 27,  Vitamin K 27,  Calcium 26,  Virus 25,  Zinc 24,  Cardiovascular 17,  Bone - Health 15,  Vitamin B12 15,  Iron 14,  Depression 14,  Supplement 12,  Vitamin C 11,  Obesity 11,  Hypertension 11,  Headache 10,  Boron 10,  Pregnancy 10,  Metabolic Syndrome 9,  Intervention 9,  Mortality and D 8,  Iodine 8,  Seniors 8,  Deficiency of Vitamin D 8,  Books,   videos on Vitamin D 7,  Pain - chronic 7,  Resveratrol 7,  Interactions with Vitamin D 6,  Vitamin D and Vitamin A 6,  Cognitive 6,  Falls and Fractures 5,  Trauma and surgery 5,  Kidney 5,  Women 5,  Osteoporosis 4,  Breathing 4,  Infant-Child 4,  ADHD 4,  Cancer - Breast 4,  Cancer - Colon 4,  Predict Vitamin D 4,  Associations 4,  Off Topic 4,  Curcumin 4 (Nov 2023)

VitaminDWiki – Overview Magnesium and vitamin D has a venn diagram

 Magnesiumnot Magnesium
Vitamin D Magnesium or Vitamin D
Aging, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease;
Asthma, Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, Cancer, Cerebrovascular,
Chronic Fatigue, Diabetes, Hearing Loss, Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Atherosclerosis,
Cardiovascular Disease, HIV, AIDS; Hypertension; Kidney Stones,
Migraine Headache, Multiple Sclerosis, Obesity, Osteoporosis, Peripheral vascular disease;
Pregnancy-related problems, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sports-related problems,
Vitamin D only
Acne, Allergy, Autoimmune, Bone, Breathing,
Celiac, Cognition, Colds and Flu, Cystic Fibrosis,
Dental, Fertility, hyperparathyroid, Immunity, Kidney,
Liver, Lupus, Osteoarthritis, Pain - chronic, Parkinson,
Psoriasis, Rickets, Strokes, Sarcoidosis, Thyroid, Parathyroid,
Tuberculosis, Vision, Hair, Skin, Sports
Not Vitamin DMagnesium only
Aggressive Behavior, Alcoholism, Arrhythmia, Cerebral Palsy,
Chemical Sensitivity, Cluster Headaches; Cocaine-related Stroke; Constipation,
Cramps, Fluoride Toxicity, Head Injuries, Central Nervous System Injuries,
Magnesium Deficiency; Menopause, Mitral Valve Prolapse,
Nystagmus, Psychiatric Disorders; Repetitive Strain Injury, Sickle Cell Disease, SIDS,
Stress, Stuttering, Tetanus; Tinnitus, Sound Sensitivity; TMJ; Toxic Shock; Violence

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