Table of contents
- Summary
- Vitamin D might help viral infections in many ways
- 80 percent of COVID-19 survivors have long-haul symptoms – meta-analysis Jan 30, 2021
- Probably less long-haul COVID-19 when immune system was regenerated by Vitamin D, etc. – Dec 2020
- Several alternative COVID-19 treatments greatly reduce long-haul symptoms - Feb 2021
- Snips from reports of Long-haul Covid = longcovid = post-Covid syndrome
- See also in VitaminDWiki
- Some people have long-term health problems after any viral infection
- The exact fraction of people varies with the virus - varies from 10% to 60%
- The long-term problems can extend for months to years.
- Sometimes the damage is permanent - example = lungs
- It is too early (Aug ) to know if long-term COVID-19 problems will last for more than 3 months
- The long-term problems occur without having had serious symptoms
- It appears that long-term COVID-19 problems favor women and those of middle age
- vs COVID-19 favors men and elderly
- The most common long-term problem is Chronic Fatigue
- Note to Athletes: Exercise can make Chronic Fatigue symptoms worse
Vitamin D might help viral infections in many ways
- Reduce the risk of getting any enveloped viral infection
- Reduce the risk of getting a severe infection
- Normalize the immune system which has locked-on, which results in long-term problems
- Vitamin D can inhibit most enveloped virus
- Additional enveloped virus include: Epstein-Barr virus- Mononucleosis, Ebola, cold sore, Shingles, cytomegalovirus, Hepatitis B, HIV, Dengue, Yellow fever, Measles, Mumps, smallpox,
- and all previous Coronavirus, such as SARS, MERS (no data yet on SARS-2 - too new)
- Swine Flu Influenza (H1N1) of 2009 Wikipedia
- Infected ~1 Billion, Killed ~284,000
80 percent of COVID-19 survivors have long-haul symptoms – meta-analysis Jan 30, 2021
Probably less long-haul COVID-19 when immune system was regenerated by Vitamin D, etc. – Dec 2020
Several alternative COVID-19 treatments greatly reduce long-haul symptoms - Feb 2021
- Using various combinations of nebulized peroxide oral vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin D, iodine, intravenous hydrogen peroxide and iodine as well as intravenous (IV) vitamin C, and hydroxychloroquine
- Note: Most of the alternatives boost the immune system
Snips from reports of Long-haul Covid = longcovid = post-Covid syndrome
- Sequelae in Adults at 6 Months After COVID-19 Infection JAMA Feb 2021
- "as long as 9 months after illness, approximately 30% reported persistent symptoms"
- 77 Clinical trials for long-haul COVID As of Jan 8, 2021
- Note: There are more trials for long-haul than for Vitamin D treatment of COVID-19
- Long-Haul COVID-19: Putative Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, and Treatments - Dec 10, 2020
- One puzzling feature of long-haul COVID-19 is that it is not predicted by initial disease severity.
- Long-haul COVID-19 affects even mild-to-moderate cases and younger adults that do not require respiratory support or intensive care.
- {ATTACH(inline="1" id="14833" icon="1")}Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki{ATTACH
- ‘Long haul’ Covid: With almost 600,000 UK sufferers, the professor studying post-Covid syndrome tells us what we know so far Aug 12, 2020
- found 12 % have symptoms longer than 30 days, and one in 200 for more than 90 days.
- post-Covid syndrome, who tend to not be so ill they need hospitalization,
- but can find themselves bed-bound and unable to work?
- ..found a “slight excess of females to males”, roughly 60:40, and says it impacts most age groups, and more so in those in their thirties and forties. “Older people don’t tend to get long-term symptoms,.."
- 6 Diver's lungs permanently damaged by COVID-19 April 2020
- and, they did not even go into a hospital
- But none of them can dive anymore. "The damage to the lungs is irreversible,"
- Fatigue plagues thousands suffering post-coronavirus symptoms Financial Times Aug 2, 2020
- "Referred to as long-haul Covid, longcovid, or tentatively by the medical community as ‘post-Covid syndrome’,.."
- " Recent analysis by the Covid Symptom Study suggested that as many as one in 10 people with Covid-19 have been sick for more than three weeks after symptoms first emerge. Some of the most pernicious problems faced by the group of long-haulers are chronic fatigue, high temperature, insomnia, headaches, brain fog, tingling sensations and dizziness."
- " John Geddes, professor of epidemiology at the University of Oxford, believes that protracted illness is likely to be caused by the virus getting into the nerve cells of the brain. Others suggest that an elevated immune response to the virus may be damaging the cells in key parts of the body."
- " Following the 2003 Sars outbreak in Asia, researchers found that 60 per cent of patients had post-viral fatigue and insomnia one year after contracting the virus. "
- " The Ebola outbreak in west Africa in 2014 led to the identification of a unique “post-Ebola Syndrome”, which shared some symptoms with chronic fatigue and lasted up to two years after infection. "
- 55 % of coronavirus patients still have neurological problems three-months later behind paywall Aug 6, 2020
- I’m a COVID-19 long-hauler and an epidemiologist – here’s how it feels when symptoms last for months Aug 11, 2020
- COVID-19 support groups show that there are many people not considered sick enough to be hospitalized – yet they are experiencing symptoms worse than the flu. It is possible COVID-19 is neurotoxic and is one of the first illnesses capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier. This might explain why many people like me have neurological problems. Many long-haulers are experiencing post-viral symptoms similar to those caused by mononucleosis and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.
- A big challenge long-haulers face may be sustaining employment. Ultimately, it is too early to classify long-haulers as having a disability. Anthony Fauci reported that “it will take months to a year or more to know whether lingering COVID-19 symptoms in young people could be chronic illnesses.”
- Influenza has long been linked to persistent symptoms such as fatigue and muscle pain,
- including after both the 1890 and 1918-19 pandemics.
- Survival of a severe viral pneumonia or ARDS, particularly after intensive care, is known to have long-lasting implications. Some survivors suffer long-term breathlessness and fatigue as a result of the damage to their lungs or from other complications. Survivors can also suffer depression (26–33%), anxiety (38–44%), or post-traumatic stress disorder (22–24%).
- Here’s what we know so far about the long-term symptoms of COVID-19 July 26, 2020
- Canadian researchers followed survivors of the first SARS outbreak in Toronto. They found sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue, depression and muscle pains were common. A third of survivors had to modify their work and lifestyle, and only 14% had no long-term symptoms.
- Similarly, in a Korean group of MERS survivors, 48% still experienced chronic fatigue after 12 months
- Long-haulers are redefining COVID-19 Aug 26
- Some potential treatments we have learned from management of fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia/myalgic encephalomyelitis syndrome that may be transferrable to post-COVID patients are:
- 1. Energy support for severe fatigue: CoQ10, ashwaganda, ginseng, DHEA, high potency B vitamins, carnitine and hormones.
- 2. Immune support: Vitamins C, D, zinc, mushroom extract, probiotics, sleep and stress management.
- 3. Inflammation: anti-inflammatory diet, Zyflamend, fish oil, turmeric and ginger (activate VDR).
- 4. Pain management, mood and brain issues: cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, meditation, graded mental and physical rehabilitation exercises, acupuncture, yoga, tai chi, SAMe, ginkgo, cannabinoids, magnesium and medications.
- Some potential treatments we have learned from management of fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia/myalgic encephalomyelitis syndrome that may be transferrable to post-COVID patients are:
- dysautonomia: heart, brain, gastrointestinal and immune systems. Headaches, diarrhea, shortness of breath, chest pain, mood disorders, brain fog and profound fatigue with minimal exertion can characterize this condition.
- Long-lasting COVID-19 symptoms: Patients want answers Aug 11
- "A small study of 143 previously hospitalized, recovering patients in Italy found that 87.4% of the cohort had at least one persistent symptom 2 months or longer after initial onset and at more than a month after discharge."
- Covid-19 Long Haulers: Meaning, Symptoms, Support Groups July 12
- Italian study: "At an average of 60 days after initial onset of symptoms, only “12.6% were completely free of any COVID-19–related symptom, while 32% had 1 or 2 symptoms and 55% had 3 or more” 4. These patients were sent home, as if they were well, and yet they had symptoms. The most common symptoms were: “fatigue (53.1%), dyspnea (43.4%), joint pain, (27.3%) and chest pain (21.7%).” Dyspnea is difficulty breathing."
- Management of post-acute covid-19 in primary care BMJ Aug 11 FREE PDF
- "Approximately 10% of people experience prolonged illness after covid-19"
- Warp Speed Help for COVID Long Haulers and ME/CFS July 30
- "... research on post-epidemic and post-infection recovery shows many viruses leave in their wake patients who experience an onset of post-viral fatigue and/or ME/CFS-like symptoms. This has been true of SARS, MERS, West Nile, H1N1 flu, Ebola and Epstein-Barr."
- In March "I hope that COVID doesn’t lead to an increase in ME/CFS, but I suspect that… it’s something that we should be prepared for.”
- "Fauci acknowledged three times in one week that LongCovid is “highly suggestive of myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.”
- An Offering: ME/CFS Resources and Support for the COVID-19 Long Haulers Aug 5
- " Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic has had one salutary outcome – for the first time, people with post-infectious illnesses are being accounted for and are starting to be studied. Those studies, however, will take time."
- "Many long-haulers reveal that these and other symptoms often worsen after attempting simple daily activities and mild exercise, placing some in a never-ending loop of illness and disability."
- "I suspect people recovering at home and their doctors…do not realize it may be exertion—both mental and physical—that is causing their symptoms to return. Without instituting careful pacing, people suffer, and their recovery is delayed.” "
- "Standard rehabilitation approaches (i.e., graded exercise) may be harmful and worsen prospects for recovery in the subset of long-haulers who experience symptom exacerbation after physical and cognitive activity."
- ~30% of Hong Kong SARS survivors met the CDC’s criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
- Questions
- Is this the natural course of a SARS-CoV-19 infection for a subset of people?
- Is this a form of post-viral fatigue?
- are the long-term symptoms indicative of myalgic encephalomyelitis
- Research Examines Links Between 'Long COVID' and ME/CFS Medscape Aug 24
- "chronic fatigue was listed as the top symptom among individuals still feeling unwell beyond 2 weeks after COVID-19 onset."
- "diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS, which is defined by substantial, profound fatigue for at least 6 months, postexertional malaise, unrefreshing sleep, and one or both of orthostatic intolerance and/or cognitive impairment. Although the etiology of ME/CFS is unclear, the condition commonly arises following a viral illness."
- Toronto study: " SARS-CoV-1 and continued to report chronic fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, and disturbed and unrefreshing sleep with EEG-documented sleep disturbances 1 to 3 years following the illness. None had been able to return to work by 1 year.
- "With ME/CFS, post-exertional malaise often involves a dramatic exacerbation of symptoms such as fatigue, pain, and cognitive impairment a day or two after exertion rather than immediately following it. In contrast, shortness of breath during exertion isn't typical of ME/CFS."
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Long Term Effects - Researched & Explained Aug 9
- "91% of respondents in the Confirmed Case Long-Hauler Survey of 1,500 individuals reported that they experienced extreme and chronic fatigue.
- Symptoms: 82% >2 months, 41.9% >3 months, 12.5% >4 months.
- Based on a study done at University Hospital Frankfurt in Germany, it appears as if heart damage is independent of the severity of the COVID-19 case.
- Long after the fire of a Covid-19 infection, mental and neurological effects can still smolder Aug 12
- "As many as 1 in 3 patients recovering from Covid-19 could experience neurological or psychological after-effects of their infections,"
- headache, dizziness, and lingering loss of smell or taste to mood disorders and deeper cognitive impairment
- "As many as 1 in 3 patients recovering from Covid-19 could experience neurological or psychological after-effects of their infections,"
- What Medicine’s Own COVID Long-Haulers Have Faced The Atlantic Nov 24, 2021
- To Help People With Long Covid, Scientists Need to Define It Wired Nov 24 2021,
- "Patients with the perplexing syndrome have reported 200 different symptoms. Researchers will have to decide which to study—and rule out."
- Study findings:"The thing that most predicted whether patients developed long Covid symptoms was whether they believed they had been infected, not whether their infection could be lab-confirmed."
See also in VitaminDWiki
- Long-COVID in VitaminDWiki
- 1 in 8 Recovered COVID-19 Patients Die Within 5 Months - Jan 18, 2021
- 6 months after COVID-19 hospitalization 76 percent still had at least one symptom – Jan 8, 2021
- COVID-19 survivors can have poor health for a long time
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
- Overview Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue and vitamin D
- Fibromyalgia treated with Vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly for 3 months) – 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Note: Chronic Fatigue is common after COVID-19, somtimes lasting for many months
- Virus category listing has
1414 items along with related searches - Vitamin D may protect against Ebola
- Four antiviral strategies – includes vitamin D – Vasquez Dec 2014
- Valley fever may be prevented and treated with Vitamin D
- Overview HIV and vitamin D
- Shingles and vitamin D
Items in both categories Virus and Vitamin D Receptor:
- Metformin appears to activate the Vitamin D Receptor (more D to kidney cells, etc,) - March 2025
- Vitamin D preventing and treating COVID - 30,000 publications – Oct 2024
- COVID maximum downregulation of Vitamin D receptor and CYP27B1 resulted in death - Feb 2024
- COVID in hospital stopped by Vitamin D Receptor activators (curcumin, quercetin) – RCT June 2023
- Children with COVID 4X more likely to have poor Vitamin D Receptors (Note: COVID deactivates VDR) – April 2023
- Diabetes 3X more likely if had COVID ICU (VDR was deactivated) - April 2023
- COVID variants protect themselves by deactivating different VDR variants– March 2023
- Dengue Fever decimated by Vitamin D - many studies
- COVID kids were more likely to have a poor VDR (4.3 X), than low Vitamin D (2.6 X) – Sept 2022
- Cancers are associated with low vitamin D, poor vaccination response and perhaps poor VDR – July 2022
- COVID 3X more likely if a poor Receptor (cells get less Vitamin D from the blood) – July 2022
- Long-COVID is now the biggest COVID concern - many studies
- COVID death 12X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor (less D gets to cells) - many studies
- COVID severity, ICU, and mortality all associated with poor vitamin D receptor (but not D, everyone had low D) -Dec 2021
- Different Vitamin D Receptor problems cause different COVID problems - Dec 2021
- COVID-19 severity associated with 3 vitamin D genes – Oct 2021
- Poor Vitamin D receptor blocked Vitamin D from fighting avian influenza viruses (in mice) – July 2021
- Epstein-Barr is yet another virus that deactivates the Vitamin D receptor (COVID later suspected as well)– 2010
- COVID-19 symptoms and comorbidities associated with the type of Vitamin D Receptor – Oct 2021
- Enveloped virus infection (RSV, coronavirus, HIV, etc.) 1.5X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis Dec 2018
- COVID-19 outpatients getting Quercetin nanoemulsion had excellent outcomes (Q increased Vitamin D in cells) – RCT – June 2021
- A virus that most adults have (Cytomegalovirus) decreases the amount of Vitamin D which gets to the cells – Jan 2017
- COVID virus alters the activation of 100 vitamin D related genes in the lung – April 2021
- Common sense COVID-19 risk reduction - masks, social distancing, vitamin D - Oct 2020
- AI is examining 170,000 potential COVID-19 treatments, Vitamin D is one of only 6 found – Sept 4, 2020
- Vitamin D Receptor activation should reduce ARDS associated with COVID-19 - June 2020
- Dengue viral production decreased 1000X if activate Vitamin D Receptor (in lab) – July 2020
- Vitamin D, Quercetin, and Estradiol all increase vitamin D in cells and increase genes which reduce COVID-19 – May 21, 2020
- Quercetin and Vitamin D - Allies Against COVID-19
- Risk of enveloped virus infection is increased 50 percent if poor Vitamin D Receptor - meta-analysis Dec 2018
- Hand, foot, and Mouth disease is 14X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Oct 2019
- Treating herpes reduced incidence of senile dementia by 10 X (HSV1 reduces VDR by 8X) – 2018
- Severe hand, foot, and mouth virus is 2.9 X more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor – Oct 2018
- Hepatitis B virus reduced by 5X the Vitamin D getting to liver cells in the lab – Oct 2018
- Some enveloped virus are 1.2 X more likely if have a poor Vitamin D Receptor -Aug 2018
- Severe Pertussis is 1.5 times more likely if poor vitamin D receptor – Feb 2016
- Dengue Fever associated with poor vitamin D receptor – July 2002
- Dengue virus 2X to 4X more likely if vitamin D receptor gene problems
- Vitamin D prevents Hepatitis-C and helps treat it (many studies)
- Hepatitis B clinical event was 2X more likely if low vitamin D – Oct 2014
- Hepatitis B virus and Vitamin D - many studies
Influenza and Colds
- Overview Influenza and vitamin D
- Vitamin D probably can both prevent Influenza and augment vaccine effectiveness – Aug 2018
- Influenza prevented by 40 ng levels or treated with vitamin D hammer (50,000 IU) – June 2015
- 7X less risk of influenza if Vitamin D levels higher than 30 ng – Oct 2017
- Influenza of 1918 and vitamin D - July 2010
- Number of people to treat to prevent 1 case of flu: Vitamin D 4, Vaccination 40 – Feb 2017 Mercola
- Reduce probability of getting the Flu
- Overview Colds and flu and Vitamin D
Flu has the following
Vitamin D fights all phases of Influenza- FACT: Vitamin D PREVENTS Influenza 7X lower risk
- FACT: Vitamin D SUPRESSES Influenza ( Vitamin D Hammer )
- Single dose of 50,000 IU of vitamin D stops Influenza symptoms
- FACT: Vitamin D PREVENTS & SUPRESSES Sepsis which is a rare but deadly consequence of Influenza
- FACT: Vitamin D enhances the activity of vaccines.
- FACT: improves Flu vaccine effectiveness and reduces side effects
- FACT: Vitamin D has virtually no side effects
- but 1 in 300 get people get muscle pain or itching due to lower magnesium levels
- FACT: Vitamin D prevents/suppresses over 280 health problems (left column)
- FACT: Both COVID-19 and Influenza are enveloped viruses
- FACT: Do not take vitamin D if Sarcoidosis, excess Calcium, Chemotherapy
- CONCLUSION To help protect/suppress influenza, take 50,000 IU of Vitamin D once a week
during the flu season if you are an average weight adult
Virus and Breathing studies:
- Newly diagnosed Asthma increased 13% if COVID vaccination (200,000 US children) – Sept 2024
- France has injected 200,000 infants with RSV vaccine, based on no long-term data - Here we go again - Dec 2023
- Vitamin D energizes the innate and adaptive immune systems to fight lung inflammation – Sept 2022
- Calcifediol (semi-activated Vitamin D) might treat Respiratory Diseases such as COVID - July 2022
- Croup (due to viruses) has surged with Omicron - March 2022
- Compare symptoms of Omicron, Flu and Colds
- Small amounts of Vitamin D reduce Influenza risk by 22 percent (loading dose is far better) – meta-analysis Jan 2022
- Italians entering hospital for breathing problems had low vitamin D (with and without COVID), Vitamin D should help – Nov 2021
- Vaccinations resulted in increased office visits for children 16 months later - Nov 2020
- Superspreaders appear to have viscous lung fluids or be obese
- COVID-19 lung death 4X more likely in Iran if less than 25 ng of vitamin D – Oct 30, 2020
- Acute viral respiratory infections (RTI) reduced by Vitamin D - 20 reviews - Aug 2020
- COVID ARDS deaths 2X more likely if less than 10 ng of Vitamin D – Aug 8, 2020
- Respiratory viral infection (RSV) and low vitamin D - many studies
- Zinc, respiratory tract infections and COVID-19 – July 2020
- Vitamin D reduces viral respiratory infections – editorial April 18, 2020
- Viral infection wheezing 24X more likely if less than 15 ng of Vitamin D – Dec 2019
- Ultraviolet light kills cold and flu viruses, and generates Vitamin D in the skin
- Respiratory Virus risk reduced 35 percent by Vitamin D (14,000 IU weekly) – RCT Oct 2018
- Common cold prevented and treated by Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea – review April 2018
- Half the risk of Influenza -A in infants taking 1200 IU of vitamin D for 4 months – RCT Jan 2018
- Loss of smell may be related to low Zinc or perhaps low vitamin D
- Severe Pertussis is 1.5 times more likely if poor vitamin D receptor – Feb 2016
- Immune response to respiratory viruses – vitamin D connection – review May 2015
- Overview Colds and flu and Vitamin D
- Influenza reduced by 1.7 with 1200 IU D3, also reduced related asthma by 6X – RCT May 2010
69+ VitaminDWiki pages have LONG-HAUL or LONG-COVID in the title
Items found: 73Long-haul fatigue, etc. common after viral infections (SARS1,2, MERS, Swine, 1918,...)50889 visitors, last modified 19 Jun, 2022, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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