
Hydrogel encapsulated vitamin D gets to colon – Sept 2018

Hydrogel encapsulation of vitamin D delays release in intestines – Sept 2018

Development of Hydrogels for Entrapment of Vitamin D3: Physicochemical Characterization and Release Study
Food Biophysics. Sept 2018, Vol 13, Issue 3, pp 284–291, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11483-018-9534-7
Morteza Eslami Mohammad Shahed iMilad Fathi mfathi at cc.iut.ac.ir

VitaminDWiki summary of Hydrogel

Study does not appear to state when a delayed release is wanted
   Perhaps want microbiome in colon to get more Vitamin D
Study does not compare the use of hydrogels to various emulsions
Release time in acidic environment

Transit Time of food

50% of stomach contents emptied 2.5 to 3 hours
Total emptying of the stomach 4 to 5 hours
50% emptying of the small intestine 2.5 to 3 hours
Transit through the colon 30 to 40 hours

VitaminDWiki comment
Perhaps the delayed release provides more vitamin D to the large intestine (treat/prevent colon cancer) as well as benefit the gut bacteria

Microbiome category listing has 44 items along with related searches

PDF is available free at Sci-Hub   10.1007/s11483-018-9534-7

In this study two carbohydrate biopolymers were used to entrap vitamin D3. In order to optimize the microencapsulation parameters, response surface methodology was applied to evaluate the effects of three independent variables (alginate percentage, vitamin: alginate weight ratio, and ultrasound time) on the efficiency of microencapsulation and loading capacity. According to the results, 0.23% alginate (W/V), 1: 5 weight ratio of vitamin D3: alginate, and 13.7 min ultrasound time were determined as the optimal conditions for obtaining maximum microencapsulation efficiency (92.86%) and loading capacity (30.1%). Then, the optimized carrier was coated by chitosan followed by the examinations of morphological characteristics, mean particle size, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry, in vitro release characteristics, and release modeling. Scanning electron microscopy examinations showed that the alginate and alginate-chitosan microcapsules had irregular and interlacing forms. The average particle sizes of alginate and alginate-chitosan were 11.3 and 23.3, respectively, which decreased to 9.8 and 14.0 μm after drying. Results of FTIR indicated a physical interaction between alginate and vitamin D3. The Weibull II model was found to be the best one to predict vitamin release behavior. The results of this study showed the potential application of developed carriers to encapsulate hydrophobic compounds.

References are online

See VitaminDWiki on new forms of Vitamin D



Gut Microbionome

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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
10193 Transit time.jpg admin 16 Jul, 2018 12.85 Kb 1001
10192 Release time in acid.jpg admin 16 Jul, 2018 17.64 Kb 1053