Weston Price - Cleveland Dentist who looked at teeth and jaws around the world
He noticed that great teeth were associated with 10X more fat-soluble vitamins
VitaminDWiki - Dental category contains
Some Dental studies
- Vitamin D cut dental caries in half 80 years ago – meta-analysis 2013 80 years ago
- Caries (tooth decay) and Vitamin D - 23+ studies
- Dental Implants helped by Vitamin D - many studies
- Periodontitis reduced by Vitamin D - many studies
- Risk of Oral Surgery reduced by Vitamin D – scoping review Nov 2021
- Some Dental Malocclusions 5X more likely if low vitamin D – June 2021
- Grinding teeth while sleeping (sleep bruxism) 6 X more likely if low vitamin D – Jan 2021
- Early tooth decay 1.9 X more likely if a poor Vitamin D receptor – July 2017
7 Intervention AND Dental studies 20 items listed in BOTH Dental and Infant or Child 7 listed in BOTH Dental and Vitamin D Receptor Intervention AND Dental
- Chronic Periodontitis reduced by Vitamin D (60,000 IU weekly for 8 weeks) – RCT July 2023
- Periodontitis treated by 4,000 IU of Vitamin D (pilot study) - March 2019
- Severe tooth decay in children unless supplemented with Vitamin D drops – Oct 2013
- Gingivitis inflammation (retracted) -Jan 2013
- Dental health improved with more than 800 IU of vitamin D – June 2013
- UVB added in classroom reduced cavities, increased height, increased academics. etc
- Dental caries cut in half by vitamin D, review of 24 old clinical trials – Nov 2012
Pages listed in BOTH Dental and Infants
- Upper canine teeth extracted faster if take Calcitriol (a form of Vitamin D) - RCT Feb 2025
- Childhood Dental Caries about 2X more likely if Vitamin D is less than 20 ng – review April 2024
- Early Childhood Caries 1.4 times more likely if 20-30 ng of Vitamin D – meta-analysis Jan 2024
- Caries in deciduous teeth about 2X more likely if low vitamin D – Review Nov 2023
- Severe infant caries 10X higher risk if low vitamin D (under 14 ng) - Dec 2021
- Virtually all infants in Poland got 400 IU of Vitamin D daily (not enough, non-daily is better) – April 2021
- More dental caries in children who have less than 30 ng of Vitamin D – Review Sept 2020
- Teeth from 19th century London indicate that most children were Vitamin D Deficient - Oct 2019
- Half as many tooth enamel defects in child if 2400 IU Vitamin D in late pregnancy – RCT Aug 2019
- Half as many teeth problems if higher cord blood level of vitamin D – March 2019
- No tooth decay in children with adequate Vitamin D (small study) – June 2018
- Early tooth decay 1.9 X more likely if a poor Vitamin D receptor – July 2017
- Severe childhood dental problems 2.4 X more likely if breastfed for more than two years (low vitamin D) – June 2017
- Dental Caries risk in children cut in half if more than 20 nanogram of Vitamin D – Nov 2015
- Teeth enamel problems (MIH) 11 percent less likely with just 4 ng more vitamin D – Dec 2014
- 3X fewer infant dental caries if good level of vitamin D while pregnant – April 2014
- Severe tooth decay in children unless supplemented with Vitamin D drops – Oct 2013
- UVB added in classroom reduced cavities, increased height, increased academics. etc
- Dental caries cut in half by vitamin D, review of 24 old clinical trials – Nov 2012
- Children with severe caries were 2X more likely to have inadequate vitamin D – July 2012
Pages listed in BOTH Dental and Vitamin D Receptor
- Malocclusions 5X higher risk if poor Vitamin D Receptor or low Vitamin D - Feb 2024
- Poor oral bacteria associated with poor Vitamin D Receptor - June 2022
- Periodontitis problems often 3X more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor – May 2022
- 1.8 X more likely to have additional Dental Implant Failure if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Dec 2019
- Early tooth decay 1.9 X more likely if a poor Vitamin D receptor – July 2017
- Chronic Periodontitis 9.6 times more likely if smoke and have poor Vitamin D Receptor – Aug 2016
- Dental caries associated with poor Vitamin D receptor – 2016
Bones (and Teeth) need a variety of things - not just Calcium and Vitamin D
Stress (exercise, chewing), Magnesium, Vitamin D, Silicon, Boron, Vitamin K, Calcium, Resveratrol (improves Vitamin D receptor)
- Bones grow better with high level of magnesium: rat study – Dec 2013
- Healthy bones need: Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Silicon, Vitamin K, and Boron – 2012
- Bone formation in the lab is aided by Vitamin D, Vitamin K1, and Vitamin K2 – meta-analysis Nov 2017
- Bone density improved with resveratrol (which improves Vitamin D Receptor) – RCT Sept 2018
- Countries which have increased Vitamin D have decreased bone problems (Japan, Australia)
See also web
- Brushing And Flossing Your Teeth Could Be Useless If You Have This Vitamin Deficiency Dec 2018
- Vitamin D (The D Stands for Dentist)
- Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: Four signs in your teeth that could indicate the condition Dec 2018
1) gum disease, 2) tooth decay, 3) periodontitis and 4) weak teeth.
“The most obvious sign of vitamin D deficiency on the mouth is gum disease, and in more extreme cases tooth decay.
“A very high proportion of cases of gum disease that we see are caused by a vitamin D deficiency.
“It is rare that a vitamin D deficiency would affect the appearance of the teeth - only if it is both severe and occurs when teeth are developing i.e. you only see it in patients who have rickets (bone disease caused by a vitamin D deficiency).”
60 years bleeding gums disappeared after oral application of Vitamin D - by the founder of VitaminDWiki
- I had bleeding gums all of my life.
- Bleeding gums continued after raising my vitamin D blood level was raised to 100 ng/ml
- Note - Like ~20% of the population, I have a poor vitamin D receptor
- so not all of the Vitamin D in my blood actually gets to my tissues
- Topical Vitamin D had eliminated the psoriasis on my right knee (bike injury)
- Decided to try topical vitamin D on my gums
- Made up a black tooth powder from charcoal, Bentonite Clay, and Vitamin D
- Charcoal = teeth whitener
- Bentonite Clay = bacteria killer & abrasive & remineralizer of teeth
- ~100,000 IU Vitamin D per tablespoon of powder - from Bio-Tech capsules
- Brushed my teeth daily with the black powder
- Used regular toothpaste before or after the black powder - several times a week
- Once a week used interdental brush dipped in the black powder between my teeth
- Note: I use the small size - not much space between my teeth
- After a few months no more bleeding gums!!
Great Teeth if 10X more fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamin D) - 19356406 visitors, last modified 26 Nov, 2021, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)