
Excellent short Vitamin D video by Dr. Oz - 2011

Dr. Oz show The Power of Vitamin D Probably early 2011

Should have 50 ng/ml (not the 20 ng recommended by the Institute of Medicine)

Vitamin D allows Cancer cells to suicide

Vitamin D helps the natural immunity system of the body

Talks about colon cancer, endometrial cancer

Nice simple animations which shows

  • generation of vitamin D in skin from cholesterol (see image below)
  • addition in Liver
  • making the final active form in the Kidneys


Dr. Oz also has some simple table top examples/demos

  • How vitamin D allows the body to select which cells have cancer
  • How vitamin D allows getting inside a cell

about 6 minutes duration.

See also VitaminDWiki

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
653 Oz skin.png admin 23 Jul, 2011 146.92 Kb 1011