
COVID-19 patients getting 300,000 IU of Vitamin D were 5X less likely to die – Sept 2021

The prognostic significance of vitamin D deficiency in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia

Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.122, No.10, p.744–747,2021 doi:10.4149/BLL_2021_119
M. Yildiz, M. U. Senel, S. Kavurgaci, F. E. Ozturk, A. Ozturk drayperi at yahoo.com

Patients who had <30 ng of vitamin D were given a single 300K IU dose of Vitamin D
Hospital was used to giving 300K IU to women in pregnancy who were deficient
Note: From other studies, it appears that >50 ng of vitamin D is needed to fight COVID-19

It appears that all patients with <50 ng should get a large dose of Vitamin D

BACKGROUND: Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects via the downregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. We aimed to demonstrate the effect of vitamin D levels on survival in COVID-19 patients.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 207 COVID-19 patients were included in the study. Serum vitamin D levels were measured, and patients with levels <20 ng/ml or 21 to 30 ng received a single 300.000 IU dose of vitamin D.

RESULTS: Of 207 patients, 37 received vitamin D, while 170 did not. Demographic, radiologic and mean laboratory values were similar between the groups. The mean plasma vitamin D level without vitamin D support (n=170) was 50.82±16.12 ng/ml (30.28–81.35) vs. 16.98±6.2 ng/ml (4.20–28.30) in vitamin D group. The most remarkable finding were the mortality rates; while only 1 patient (2.7 %) died in the vitamin D group, 24 patients (14.1 %) died in no vitamin D supplementation group (p=0.038).

CONCLUSION: Although a few retrospective studies put forth a relation between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 course severity there is still paucity of data about the efficacy of vitamin supplementations in COVID-19 patients. A single 300.000 IU dose of vitamin D seems to represent a useful, practical, and safe adjunctive approach for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19 (Tab. 1, Fig. 1, Ref. 30).
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

This study does not appear to mention when the Vitamin D was given
Suspect that Vitamin D was given on the day the person was admitted the the hospital
Previous studies have found that 200K and 400K did not help "put out the fire" when given a week after entering the hospital
Probably the best would be to give high dose vitamin D as soon as the person suspects COVID-19 infection

Vitamin D and COVID, review of evidence, loading dose if less than 50 ng - Masterjohn Sept 2021
Those getting high dose vitamin D were 7 X less likely to die of COVID-19 - Dec 11, 2020
COVID-19 mortality extrapolates to zero at 50 ng of vitamin D – 18th Meta-analysis Sept 2021

Mortality and Virus studies

Vitamin D meta-analyses for Virus

COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

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