
Atopic Dermatitis risk is 55 percent higher if low vitamin D – Meta-analysis Oct 2015

A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Association between Serum Vitamin D and Atopic Dermatitis

Siriraj Med J, Volume 67, Number 5, September-October 2015
Pichanee Chaweekulrat, M.D.*, Chaiyawat Suppasilp, M.D.*, Bhoom Suktitipat, M.D., Ph.D. *, bhoom.suk at mahidol.aath
*Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700,
**Integrative Computational BioScience Center (ICBS), Mahidol University, Salaya, Phuttamonthon, Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand.

Objective: The relationship between vitamin D and atopic dermatitis remains controversial. Here, we systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed the association between serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D concentration (25(OH) D) and atopic dermatitis (AD), AD severity, and the benefits of oral vitamin D supplementation.

Methods: A total of 15 observational studies and 5 RCTs from 12 countries were included in this review. The effects of vitamin D deficiency or vitamin D level on AD and standardized AD severity score were performed using a random-effects model on 3 aspects: 1) serum vitamin D and risk of AD, 2) serum vitamin D level and severity of AD, and 3) the benefits of oral vitamin D supplementation on AD severity.

Results: The analysis showed serum 25(OH)D deficiency

  • marginally increased the risk of AD (OR = 1.55, 95%CI = 0.94 - 2.55, p = 0.084).
  • Low serum 25(OH)D was correlated with greater AD severity (r = -0.29, 95%CI = -0.504 to -0.048, p = 0.020), and
  • oral vitamin D supplementation helped reduced AD severity score by 0.963 standard deviation (95%CI = 0.23 to 1.70, p = 0.011).

Conclusion: The association between serum 25(OH)D deficiency and risk of AD was still controversial. However, our meta-analysis suggested that higher serum 25(OH)D is associated with lower severity of AD. Moreover, oral vitamin D supplementation also helps to reduce AD severity.

Table 2
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