
2,000 IU vitamin D is the smallest dose in Saudi Arabia (GCC statement) – March 2020

Diagnosis and Management of Vitamin D Deficiency in the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) Countries: An Expert Consensus Summary Statement From the GCC Vitamin D Advisory Board

Arch Osteoporos, 15 (1), 35 2020 Mar 2, DOI: 10.1007/s11657-020-0709-8


Other Gulf Cooperation Council countries have smaller dose sizes

Middle East and Vitamin D starts with

154 items in Middle East category
see also Overview Middle East and vitamin D


 Download the PDF from Sci-Hub via VitaminDWiki

Yousef Al Saleh 1 2 3 4, Salem A Beshyah 5 6, Wiam Hussein 7, Abdulrazzaq Almadani 8, Ahmed Hassoun 9, Ali Al Mamari 10, Ebtesam Ba-Essa 11 12, Essa Al-Dhafiri 13, Mohammed Hassanein 14, Mona A Fouda 15, Nadia Al Ali 16, Naji Aljohani 17 18 19, Nasreen Al-Sayed 20, Neil Gittoes 21, Tarik Elhadd 22, Waleed Al-Baker 12, Shaun Sabico 18, Nasser Al-Daghri 18

Objective: A summary of recommendations is given within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) setting on the assessment and management of vitamin D deficiency in the region.

Methods: An assembly of 11 regional experts gathered to formulate an all-inclusive approach to vitamin D deficiency within GCC.

Results and conclusion: Several gaps were identified before regional guidelines could be developed. These include adequacy and standardization of vitamin D testing, frequency of repeated testing and reference ranges, distinguishing prevention from the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, quality assurance of vitamin D products sold within GCC including contents and origins of products, and cut-points for vitamin D levels in local populations. A platform is created that can be further developed for overall regional implementation.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday March 4, 2020 14:13:16 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 4)

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13569 Saudi 2000 IU.jpg admin 04 Mar, 2020 74.13 Kb 1332
13568 Gulf Council March 2020.pdf admin 04 Mar, 2020 282.60 Kb 675