
Hypothesis – less vitamin D results in faster aging – Nov 2017

J Physiol. 2017 Nov 15;595(22):6825-6836. doi: 10.1113/JP274887. Epub 2017 Oct 31.
Berridge MJ The Babraham Institute, Cambridge, CB22 3AT, UK.

Ageing Process

PDF Sections
Autophagy, Inflammation, Mitochondrial dysfunction, Oxidative stress, Ca2+ signalling, Epigenetics, DNA disorders


Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D has the following summary

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Ageing can occur at different rates, but what controls this variable rate is unknown. Here I have developed a hypothesis that vitamin D may act to control the rate of ageing. The basis of this hypothesis emerged from studyng the various cellular processes that control ageing. These processes such as autophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative stress, epigenetic changes, DNA disorders and alterations in Ca2+ and reactive oxygen species (ROS) signalling are all known to be regulated by vitamin D. The activity of these processes will be enhanced in individuals that are deficient in vitamin D.
Not only will this increase the rate of ageing, but it will also increase the probability of developing age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
In individual with normal vitamin D levels, these ageing-related processes will occur at lower rates resulting in a reduced rate of ageing and enhanced protection against these age-related diseases.

PMID: 28949008 DOI: 10.1113/JP274887

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