Randomised Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Calcifediol vs Placebo in Subjects With Vitamin D Deficiency (WORFEROL)
 PDF of the trial registration as of July 2021
Note: This is a test vs placebo, not vs standard vitamin D
Note: Study is looking at response in 16 weeks, rather than the very fast response reported in a single trial
See also VitaminDWiki: Note: Calcifediol = Calcidiol
- Vitamin D3 becomes Calcidiol which becomes Calcitriol
- Calcidiol increased blood levels of Vitamin D in one month (dogs) – Feb 2021
- Weekly response to semi-activated vitamin D slightly better than standard – RCT Nov 2019
- seems like the Nov 2019 study is better - compares Calfediol to Vitamin D
- Semi-activated Vitamin D given weekly (used by Spanish COVID-19 trial) – US patent application Sept 2020
- COVID-19 defeated by calcifediol form of Vitamin D in Spain - pilot RCT Aug 29, 2020
- Is calcidiol a better form of vitamin D for some animals and maybe humans with liver problems
- Calcifediol (Calcidiol) might be a better form of Vitamin D for some people – May 2019
- Pigs have about 2X less variation in response to calcidiol as humans do to vitamin D – 2015
- Vitamin D levels might be raised very quickly the following chart is from a patent application
Getting Vitamin D into your body has the following chart
- Calcidiol is available only by prescription and is expensive
- Has about a 1 month response time
Response to weekly Calcifediol in 4 months - RCT Aug 2022
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