Vitamin D and common mental disorders in mid-life: cross-sectional and prospective findings
Clinical Nutrition, Jan 2013
Jane Maddock, Diane J. Berry, Marie-Claude Geoffroy, Chris Power, Elina Hyppönen
MRC Centre of Epidemiology for Child Health/Centre for Paediatric Epidemiology and Biostatistics, UCL Institute of Child Health, UK
The relationship between vitamin D and common mental disorders (CMDs) remains unclear. We aimed to determine if behaviours affecting vitamin D concentrations differ between individuals with or without CMDs and evaluate, cross-sectionally and prospectively, the extent to which the association between 25(OH)D and CMDs are explained by these behaviours.
Methods Data are from the 1958 British birth cohort (n=7,401). Behaviours were ascertained by questionnaire at age 45 years. CMDs (depression, anxiety, panic, phobia) were assessed using the Clinical Interview Schedule-Revised at 45 years and depression using Mental Health Inventory-5 at 50 years.
Results Participants with CMDs at 45 years differed from others on some but not all vitamin D related behaviours. There were inverse, cross-sectional associations at 45 years of 25(OH)D with depression and panic, which persisted after adjustment for vitamin D related behaviours (OR=0.57, 95%CI: 0.40,0.81 and OR=0.33, 95%CI: 0.40,0.81, respectively). Association between 25(OH)D and subsequent (50 years) risk of depression was non-linear (p=0.01), with lower risk for participants with 25(OH)D between 50 and 85 nmol/l compared with those with lower or higher concentrations.
Conclusion This study provides support for an association of low 25(OH)D concentrations with current and subsequent risk of depression in mid-adulthood.
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See also VitaminDWiki
- Suicide 2X more likely with low vitamin D (in military) – Jan 2013
- Depression book talks about vitamin D - Nov 2012
- Hypothesis: Some Mental Illness could be treated or prevented with vitamin D
- Much less depression if higher than 43 ng of vitamin D – Oct 2012
- All items in category Winter Blues/Depression and Vitamin D
271 items - Mental Illness and Vitamin D from Vitamin D Counci
- Psychiatric disorders 4X more likely in teens if low vitamin D - Nov 2011
- Teens no longer depressed after vitamin D raised to 36 ng – Feb 2012
- Mood disorders 11X worse for older adults with low vitamin D – 2006
- Fewest Google searches for Mental Health when there is lots of vitamin D from the sun – May 2013
See also web
- review of this study at NutrIngredients Jan 2013
- Clinical Trials for Depression with vitamin D intervention 27 INTERVENTION trials listed as of Sept 2013
Random controlled trials to see if vitamin D reduces depression.
However, it appears that most of the trials are only using 2800 IU of vitamin D, which is probably not enough
Mental health problems cut in half when have adequate level of vitamin D – Jan 201310024 visitors, last modified 02 May, 2018, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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