Yahoo Answers Feb 2014
- Info in Swedish can be found here
- applies to low-fat milk only - milk containing fat below 1,5% has to be enriched with Vitamin D. Vitamin D content must be between 3,8-5 micrograms/litre.
4 micrograms/litre= 160 IU/liter
Many organizations now recommend 4,0000 IU of vitamin D3 per day for adults
which would requre 25 liters of low-fat milk
And, we hope that Sweden fortififies with D3, not D2
See also VitaminDWiki
- All items in category Fortification - Vitamin D
135 items - Most milk did not have the 400 IU of vitamin D - 1992
- Milk fortification of 1000 IU got most children above 20ng of vitamin D – March 2013
- Most people have major problems of milk as a source of vitamin D
- Vitamin D and Folate fortification of foods - April 2012
- Sweden will increase vitamin D food fortification a bit in Oct 2016
- Skim fat milk provides 3% less vitamin D – May 2016
- Full-fat milk for children associated with higher Vitamin D and lower BMI – Dec 2016
- Little vitamin D in various types of milk – Oct 2012
- Review of vitamin D from milk products is unaware that skim milk provides little VitD – Aug 2018
- Vitamin D fortification of Cows milk (ignores lactose intolerance and poor bioavailability in low fat milk) – Aug 2021
- Vitamin D levels dropped when consuming 2 brands of fortified milk in the winter– trial June 2018
- Whole-Fat or Nonfat Dairy -The Debate Continues (less vitamin D) - Dec 2018
- Children no longer get much vitamin D from milk - fortify at home
Sweden has fortified low-fat milk with a small amount of vitamin D since 19835902 visitors, last modified 31 Aug, 2021, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)