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Off topic: Little water fluoridation in Europe - which is good for Mg and Vitamin D – April 2013

From Call to Action as Portland, Oregon Readies to Vote on Water Fluoridation Mercola April 2013


  • 99% of the Fluoride in water goes into the environment, and not into your body
  • Unlike fluoride in toothpaste, fluoride in water has not been proven to stop cavities
  • ‘’’Most European countries do not fluoridate their water, because such mass medication is considered ineffective and unethical.’’
  • 2006 report on water fluoridation by the US National Research Council, the benefits from fluoride are topical only, and cannot be achieved through ingestion.
    It also detailed positive associations between fluoride ingestion and bone fractures, cancer, reduced IQ and dementia.
  • In early 2011, the EPA announced that 41 % of American teenagers have dental fluorosis and recommended cutting the parts per million down to 0.7 ppm
  • Includes link to video ‘’The Case Against Fluoride’’
  • Has link to Poison Is Treatment National Health Federation Nov 2012 (PR trumped Science)

Fluoridation reduces Magnesium which is needed for Vitamin D

50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation Sept 2012

  • Most developed countries, including Japan and 97% of the western European population, do not consume fluoridated water.
  • Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. No disease, not even tooth decay, is caused by a “fluoride deficiency.”(NRC 1993; Institute of Medicine 1997, NRC 2006).
  • Fluoride accumulates in the body. It accumulates in the body, largely in calcifying tissues such as the bones and pineal gland (Luke 1997, 2001). The fluoride concentration in bone steadily increases over a lifetime (NRC 2006).
  • There has never been a single randomized clinical trial to demonstrate fluoridation’s effectiveness or safety.
  • The American Dental Association sent email alert to its members in Nov 2006 recommending that parents be advised that {baby} formula should be made with “low or no-fluoride water.”
  • 33 studies have found that Fluoride may lower IQ. {perhaps by reducing Iodine}

See also VitaminDWiki

See also web