Toggle Health Problems and D

Global Vitamin D recommendations - summer 2018


Can view it on Google Sheets

Compiled by Damian Ferrero    damianferrero1 at gmail.com

 Download the XLSX spreadsheet from VitaminDWiki


4,000 IU of Vitamin D is OK - 19 organizations agree - 2018

Chart was made from data on this page
Often they state that 4,000 IU can be taken without consulting with doctor
10,000 IU daily is OK, and up to 140,000 IU if adjust cofactors

Graph of dose vs week

  • Examples of safe without adjusting cofactors:
    2 million IU daily for 1 week,
    200,000 IU daily for 1.5 weeks,
    150,000 IU daily for 2 weeks,
    50,000 IU daily for 5 weeks
    14,000 IU daily for 1 year

See also VitaminDWiki

4,000 IU

30 ng

40 ng

50 ng


Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday October 25, 2020 00:23:21 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 16)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
14463 Upper limit adult 2018 updated.jpg admin 25 Oct, 2020 72.05 Kb 503
10446 Vitamina D - Recomendaciones .xlsx admin 30 Aug, 2018 13.64 Kb 932
10445 Rec 6.jpg admin 30 Aug, 2018 82.82 Kb 1150
10444 Rec 5.jpg admin 30 Aug, 2018 42.17 Kb 1108
10443 Rec 4.jpg admin 30 Aug, 2018 71.10 Kb 1090
10442 Rec 3.jpg admin 30 Aug, 2018 86.56 Kb 1132
10441 Rec 2.jpg admin 30 Aug, 2018 83.41 Kb 1123
10440 Rec 1.jpg admin 30 Aug, 2018 105.72 Kb 1323
10439 Rec 0.jpg admin 30 Aug, 2018 19.93 Kb 1115