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Better than Daily

33 items in BETTER THAN DAILY category

Non-daily (Bolus) is better:

  1. Better compliance for everyone
    • Fewer opportunities to forget.
    • If happen to forget, just take the dose many days later
    • Fewer times to have to take a pill - for those who dislike doing so
  2. Non-daily gets more vitamin D to the cells for the ~20% who have a poor Vitamin D Receptor

VitaminDWiki – Weekly, Monthly Vitamin D are typically better than daily - many studies

VitaminDWiki - Take vitamin D3 daily, weekly, or bi-weekly - many studies

The Vitamin D Receptor is activated by high concentration gradient and 13+ other things


33 Better than Daily studies

Examples of non-daily vitamin D studies (does not include loading dose)

One pill every two weeks gives you all the vitamin D most adults need
50,000 IU of vitamin D every two weeks – Jordan conclusion - RCT July 2017
22 diseases proven to be prevented/treated by biweekly Vitamin D
10 additional diseases with weekly Vitamin D

Some people mistakenly believe that the body cannot store vitamin D, so must be taken daily

  All humans and animals can store Vitamin D, which was necessary to survive rainy seasons, winters, etc.
Example of mistaken belief: Do You Take Your Vitamin D Daily? Grassrootshealth June 2019

Loading Dose in VitaminDWiki

  • Overview Loading of vitamin D - which is sometimes just a single dose
  • Loading dose for Vitamin D category listing has 207 items along with related searches
    • Loading doses typically restore Vitamin D levels in 1 to 30 days
      • Loading doses should be followed by maintenance doses - which can be daily or bolus

Omega-3 is better absorbed weekly than daily (rats fo far)

Omega-3 weekly is more bio-available than daily (rat study) – July 2015

Note: I tried taking Omega-3 weekly instead of daily -Aug 2024
I took 4 days worth of Omega-3 emulsion at a single sitting, once a week
Got an Omega-3 test at the end of 5 weeks__
My Omega-3 index was essentially unchanged from my previous daily dosing. Index = 8

15+ VitaminDWiki pages with BETTER THAN DAILY in title

This list is automatically updated

Intervention - non-daily AND Diabetes

Intervention - non-daily AND Pain

272 studies used Non-daily intervention

Diabetes 22;  Better than daily 18;  Pregnancy 17;  Loading dose 16;  Pain - chronic 13;  Breathing 12;  How much Vitamin D 11;  Obesity 10;  Infant-Child 10;  Injection 9;  Gut 8;  Depression 8;  Cardiovascular 7;  Falls and Fractures 7;  Women 7;  Multiple Sclerosis 6;  Virus 6;  Sports 6;  Trauma and surgery 6;  Youth 5;  Seniors 5;  Hypertension 5;  HIV 5;  Sleep 4;  Liver 4;  Skin - Dark 4;  Kidney 4;  Immunity 4;  Cognitive 4;  How;  when to take Vit. D 4 as of Oct 2022

XX+ VitaminDWiki pages have both DAILY and WEEKLY in the title

The list is automatically updated

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Better than Daily        
22043 visitors, last modified 19 Oct, 2024,
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18113 Daily better than weekly_CompressPdf.pdf admin 15 Jul, 2022 1.51 Mb 348
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