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14 items in World category

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10 most-visited pages in World

Id Page Hits Last modification Creator Categories
1972 Global Vitamin D levels - Aug 2011 9602
01 Sep, 2012 03:54
admin Deficiency of Vitamin D
2533 Percent of population with less than 20 ng of vitamin D 11012
26 Sep, 2013 21:53
admin Deficiency of Vitamin D
Top news
3189 Vitamin D levels in healthy populations around the globe – Aug 2012 43904
26 Nov, 2013 15:58
admin Deficiency of Vitamin D
Top news
4445 37 percent of globe under 20 ng of vitamin D (suspect 80 percent less than optimal ) – Aug 2013 5690
29 Sep, 2013 23:56
admin World
4806 Vitamin D deficiency is a major global public health problem – Maps Nov 2013 15122
12 Jul, 2021 17:31
admin Deficiency of Vitamin D
Vitamin D Far from equator
Middle East
Top news
Vitamin D in Europe
Vitamin D in Australia and New Zealand
Vitamin D in Canada
5490 Vitamin D levels around the world - DSM review June 2014 23524
14 Mar, 2020 00:18
admin Deficiency of Vitamin D
Top news
8898 Vitamin D levels are lower than 20 ng in half of the world – Dec 2017 3642
03 May, 2019 17:45
admin Deficiency of Vitamin D
9037 Disease death rates vary a lot globally 5690
27 Nov, 2017 15:09
admin Mortality and D
9217 Extreme Vitamin D deficiency in most low middle income countries which had studies – Jan 2018 9019
17 Jan, 2018 16:14
admin Middle East
10098 World 22269
24 Jul, 2020 12:59
admin World

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All of the items in category WORLD

Map from data from 2001

Vitamin D levels - 2001

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday July 24, 2020 12:59:31 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 16)