- Gestational Diabetes: 30% increase in US since 2016 (reported July 2023)
- Disrupted placental vitamin D metabolism and calcium signaling in gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia patients - April 2023
- >30 ng of Vitamin D in 2nd tri. associated with 39% less risk of Gestational Diabetes - April 2024
- 39+ VitaminDWiki pages have GESTATIONAL DIABETES in the title
- VitaminDWiki – Genetics category contains
- VitaminDWiki - Pregnancy category contains
- VitaminDWiki -
24 studies in both categories Pregnancy and VDR - There have been
205376 visits to this page
Gestational Diabetes: 30% increase in US since 2016 (reported July 2023)
Gestational diabetes impacts nearly 75,000 pregnant individuals and their unborn babies each year in the United States, and according to the Centers for Disease Control cases have risen 30% since 2016.
Which is probably similar to the increase of Diabetes in the same time period
Disrupted placental vitamin D metabolism and calcium signaling in gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia patients - April 2023
Endocrine . 2023 Apr;80(1):191-200. doi: 10.1007/s12020-022-03272-9
Shweta Varshney # 1, Ramu Adela # 1 2, Garima Kachhawa 3, Reema Dada 4, Vidushi Kulshreshtha 3, Rajesh Kumari 3, Ramesh Agarwal 5, Rajesh Khadgawat 6Introduction: Gestational diabetes (GDM) and pre-eclampsia (PE) represents the unrecognized risk factors for reduced bone content in neonates. The present study is planned to explore the components of vitamin D metabolism and calcium transport in placenta of GDM and PE cases and its effect on the neonatal bone mass determination using bone densitometry system.
Methods: We have collected serum and placenta tissues from GDM (n = 20), PE (n = 20), and healthy pregnancies (n = 20). In the present study, we found mRNA expression of oxidative stress markers, vitamin D metabolic components and calcium channels, calcium channel binding proteins, plasma membrane calcium ATPase, ATP synthase and Ca2+ release genes; Ryanodine receptors genes were assessed by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) in placental tissue of GDM, PE, and healthy pregnancies.
Results: We observed high level of oxidative stress in both GDM and PE placenta compared to normal pregnancies.
- CYP2R1 and VDR mRNA expression was significantly downregulated and
- upregulation of CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 in GDM and PE compared with healthy cases.
Similarly, calcium transporters were downregulated in GDM and PE placental tissues. In addition, CYP24A1, VDR, CaBP28K, TRPV5 and PMCA3 mRNA expression were correlated with BMC of neonates.
Discussion: Oxidative stress is probably relevant to disrupted vitamin D homeostasis and calcium transport in the placenta of GDM and PE cases. The altered regulatory mechanism of CYP24A1 and VDR could indicates more pronounced serum 25(OH)D reduction. Additionally, reduced BMC in the neonates of these cases might be as consequences of modified CYP24A1, VDR, CaBP28K, TRPV5 and PMCA3 mRNA expression.
Other Genes
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>30 ng of Vitamin D in 2nd tri. associated with 39% less risk of Gestational Diabetes - April 2024
Maternal vitamin D status and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus in twin pregnancies: a longitudinal twin pregnancies birth cohort study
Nutr J. 2024 Apr 10;23(1):41. doi: 10.1186/s12937-024-00944-2.
Da-Yan Li # 1 2 3, Lan Wang # 3 4, Li Li 3 4, Shuwei Zhou 3 4, Jiangyun Tan 3 4, Chunyan Tang 3 4, Qianqian Liao 3 4, Ting Liu 3 4, Li Wen 5 6, Hong-Bo Qi 7 8Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common complication of pregnancy, with significant short-term and long-term implications for both mothers and their offspring. Previous studies have indicated the potential benefits of vitamin D in reducing the risk of GDM, yet little is known about this association in twin pregnancies. This study aimed to investigate maternal vitamin D status in the second trimester and examine its association with the risk of GDM in twin pregnancies.
Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study based on data from the Chongqing Longitudinal Twin Study (LoTiS). Peripheral blood serum was collected from the mothers in the second trimester to measure 25(OH)D concentrations. GDM was diagnosed at 23-26 weeks of gestation using a 75-g 2-h oral glucose tolerance test. We used multivariable logistic regression analyses to examine the correlations between vitamin D status and the risk of GDM.
Results: Of the total participants, 93 (29.9%) women were diagnosed with GDM. The mean serum 25(OH)D concentration in the second trimester was 31.1 ± 11.2 ng/mL, and the rate of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency were 23.5% and 18.7%, respectively. Compared to women with a 25(OH)D concentration < 30 ng/mL, those with a 25(OH)D concentration ≥ 30 ng/mL had a significantly lower risk of GDM (RR 0.61; 95% CI: 0.43, 0.86), especially those who were overweight before pregnancy (RR 0.32; 95% CI: 0.16, 0.64). The restricted cubic splines model showed an inverted J-shaped relationship between vitamin D concentrations and GDM risk.
Conclusions: The risk of GDM was significantly reduced in twin pregnant women with vitamin D concentrations ≥ 30 ng/mL in the second trimester.
Trial registration: ChiCTR-OOC-16,008,203. Retrospectively registered on 1 April 2016.
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- Fatima K, Asif M, Nihal K, Hussain HU, Hasan AW, Zahid M, Burney MH, Asad F, Fatima S, Saleem MB, Khalid MA. Association between vitamin D levels in early pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Family Med Prim Care. 2022;11:5569–80.
- Milajerdi A, Abbasi F, Mousavi SM, Esmaillzadeh A. Maternal vitamin D status and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Clin Nutr. 2021;40:2576–86.
- Shang M, Zhao N. Early pregnancy vitamin D insufficiency and gestational diabetes mellitus. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2022;48:2353–62.
- Aslan Cin NN, Yalcin M, Yardimci H. Vitamin D Deficiency during the first trimester of pregnancy and the risk of developing gestational diabetes Mellitus. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2022;51:526–35.
- Xia J, Song Y, Rawal S, Wu J, Hinkle SN, Tsai MY, Zhang C. Vitamin D status during pregnancy and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a longitudinal study in a multiracial cohort. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2019;21:1895–905.
- Chen P, Li M, Mu Y, Wang Y, Liu Z, Li Q, Li X, Dai L, Xie Y, Liang J, Zhu J. Temporal trends and adverse perinatal outcomes of twin pregnancies at differing gestational ages: an observational study from China between 2012–2020. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022;22:467.
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- Lai FY, Johnson JA, Dover D, Kaul P. Outcomes of singleton and twin pregnancies complicated by pre-existing diabetes and gestational diabetes: a population-based study in Alberta, Canada, 2005-11. J Diabetes. 2016;8:45–55.
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- Alkaabi J, Almazrouei R, Zoubeidi T, Alkaabi FM, Alkendi FR, Almiri AE, Sharma C, Souid AK, Ali N, Ahmed LA. Burden, associated risk factors and adverse outcomes of gestational diabetes mellitus in twin pregnancies in Al Ain, UAE. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020;20:612.
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- Lin D, Fan D, Li P, Chen G, Rao J, Zhou Z, Zhang H, Luo X, Ma H, Feng J, et al. Perinatal outcomes among twin pregnancies with gestational diabetes mellitus: a nine-year retrospective cohort study. Front Public Health. 2022;10:946186.
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- Holick MF, Binkley NC, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Gordon CM, Hanley DA, Heaney RP, Murad MH, Weaver CM, Endocrine S. Evaluation, treatment, and prevention of vitamin D deficiency: an endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011;96:1911–30.
- International Association of D, Pregnancy Study Groups, Consensus P, Metzger BE, Gabbe SG, Persson B, Buchanan TA, Catalano PA, Damm P, Dyer AR, Leiva A, et al. International association of diabetes and pregnancy study groups recommendations on the diagnosis and classification of hyperglycemia in pregnancy. Diabetes Care. 2010;33:676–82. -
- Yin WJ, Tao RX, Hu HL, Zhang Y, Jiang XM, Zhang MX, Jin D, Yao MN, Tao FB, Zhu P. The association of vitamin D status and supplementation during pregnancy with gestational diabetes mellitus: a Chinese prospective birth cohort study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020;111:122–30.
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39+ VitaminDWiki pages have GESTATIONAL DIABETES in the title
This list is automatically updated
Items found: 41
VitaminDWiki – Genetics category contains
344 articles in the Genetics category see also
- Vitamin D Receptor has
534 items - Vitamin D Binding Protein = GC has
178 items - CYP27B1 has
63 items - CYP24A1 in title of 39+ items
- CYP2R1 25+ items
- Calcidiol has
49 items - Calcitriol has
64 items - Topical Vitamin D
- Nanoemulsion Vitamin D may be a substantially better form
- 1289 genes changed with higher doses of Vitamin D - RCT Dec 2019
- CYP3A4 (7 as of Dec 2022)
- Getting Vitamin D into your blood and cells
Vitamin D blood test misses a lot
- Vitamin D from coming from tissues (vs blood) was speculated to be 50% in 2014, and by 2017 was speculated to be 90%
- Note: Good blood test results (> 40 ng) does not mean that a good amount of Vitamin D actually gets to cells
- A Vitamin D test in cells rather than blood was feasible (2017 personal communication) Commercially available 2019
- However, test results would vary in each tissue due to multiple genes
- Good clues that Vitamin D is being restricted from getting to the cells
1) A vitamin D-related health problem runs in the family
especially if it is one of 51+ diseases related to Vitamin D Receptor
2) Slightly increasing Vitamin D shows benefits (even if conventional Vitamin D test shows an increase)
3) DNA and VDR tests - 100 to 200 dollars $100 to $250
4) PTH bottoms out ( shows that parathyroid cells are getting Vitamin d)
Genes are good, have enough Magnesium, etc.
5) Back Pain
probably want at least 2 clues before taking adding vitamin D, Omega-3, Magnesium, Resveratrol, etc- The founder of VitaminDWiki took action with clues #3&5
VitaminDWiki - Pregnancy category contains
936 items in Pregnancy category - see also
- Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D
- Number of articles in both categories of Pregnancy and:Dark Skin
30 ; Depression 21 ; Diabetes 45 ; Obesity 18 ; Hypertension 44 ; Breathing 37 ; Omega-3 46 ; Vitamin D Receptor 24 Click here for details - All items in category Infant/Child
862 items - Pregnancy needs at least 40 ng of vitamin D, achieved by at least 4,000 IU – Hollis Aug 2017
- 38+ papers with Breastfed etc, in the title
- Call to action – more Vitamin D for pregnancies, loading doses are OK – Holick Aug 2019
- 53+ preeclampsia studies
- 94+ studies with PRETERM in the title
- Fertility problem (PCOS) reduced by vitamin D, etc: many studies 15+
- 94+ Gestational Diabetes
- Caesarean birth much more likely if low Vitamin D - many studies 15+ studies
- Post-partum depression and low Vitamin D - many studies 15+ studies
- Stillbirth reduced by Vitamin D, Zinc, Omega-3 - several studies 5+ studies
- Search VitaminDWiki for "Assisted reproduction" 33 items as of Aug 2022
- Fertility and Sperm category listing has
143 items along with related searches - (Stunting OR “low birth weight” OR LBW) 1180 items as of June 2020
- Less labor pain if higher level of vitamin D – August 2021
- Healthy pregnancies need lots of vitamin D
- Ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby - take Vitamin D before conception
VitaminDWiki -
24 studies in both categories Pregnancy and VDR This list is automatically updated
- Gestational Diabetes and Vitamin D - many studies
- Hypertension during pregnancy: low Vitamin D, poor Vit. D genes – June 2022
- Preeclampsia reduced by Vitamin D - many studies
- After lactation Vitamin D levels are low, increased risk of Breast Cancer, vitamin D should decrease risk – Aug 2021
- Gestational Diabetes – increased risk if poor Vitamin D Receptor – 2 Meta-Analyses 2021
- Higher risk of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Feb 2021
- Spontaneous Miscarriage strongly associated with 2 vitamin D genes – March 2020
- Preterm birth associated with many genes, including the Vitamin D Receptor again – Jan 2020
- Preterm birth 8X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Dec 2019
- Preterm birth 9 X more likely if fetus had a poor Vitamin D Receptor and previous miscarriage – Aug 2017
- Recurrent miscarriage occurs 2.2 more often if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Aug 2019
- Gestational Diabetes 2.4X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor (region in China) – June 2019
- Gestational Diabetes 3 X more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor (Turkey) – May 2019
- Preeclampsia 2X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – April 2019
- Preterm births 12 X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor (white infants in Italy) – meta-analysis Aug 2018
- UV at time of conception associated with Vitamin D Receptor activation 65 years later – Sept 2017
- A good Vitamin D Receptor (or perhaps more vitamin D) protects against lead during pregnancy
- Vitamin D Receptor is associated with preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and preterm birth – Nov 2017
- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus associated with 4 Vitamin D genes – Oct 2015
- Frequent miscarriage associated with both lower vitamin D and poor Vitamin D receptor – Sept 2017
- Vitamin D genes and pregnancy – 7th study - Sept 2017
- Preterm births strongly related to Vitamin D, Vitamin D Receptor, Iodine, Omega-3, etc
- Recurrent miscarriage associated with half as much vitamin D getting to fetus – Sept 2016
- Progesterone activates vitamin D receptor - many studies
There have been
205376 visits to this page
Gestational Diabetes and Vitamin D - many studies175408 visitors, last modified 10 Apr, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 21077 Chongging.png admin 10 Apr, 2024 868.52 Kb 132 19414 other genes.jpg admin 02 Apr, 2023 118.21 Kb 330 19413 CYP24A1, VDR.jpg admin 02 Apr, 2023 40.24 Kb 348 19412 CYP2R1, CYP27B1.jpg admin 02 Apr, 2023 41.78 Kb 351 19411 Neonate.jpg admin 02 Apr, 2023 96.11 Kb 366 19410 preg and gene table.jpg admin 02 Apr, 2023 96.36 Kb 382 19409 Genes Vitamin D, GF, pre-ec_CompressPdf.pdf admin 02 Apr, 2023 334.02 Kb 272 - All items in category Infant/Child
- Vitamin D Binding Protein = GC has
- There have been