Happened across an article about vitamin D in lard Feb 2011
The following is the result of a 60 minute search on the web.
Can understand now why cookies and pies baked with lard used to be so good for you.
Lard used to have a lot of vitamin D.
From http://www.cholesterol-and-health.com/Vitamin-D.html 2006
Clip – – –
The second richest source of vitamin D is lard. No, you didn't read that wrong — lard.
Lard ranks #18 on our list of the top 22 foods richest in cholesterol, and is over four times richer in vitamin D than its nearest competitor, herring.
Granted, the pigs need to be exposed to sunlight to generate vitamin D.
From Weston Price (a few years ago)
Food Sources of Vitamin D per 100 grams
Cod Liver Oil 10,000
Lard (Pork Fat) 2,800 (500 IU per teaspoon)
Lots of detail at http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?action=printpage;topic=12850.0
Pigs are now rarely "free range" however
Wonder if the higher price for lard, pork and bacon with vitamin D would pay for having UV enhanced lighting
Where to buy lard which is high in vitamin D
http://www.cheeseslave.com/2009/08/04/70-of-us-children-are-vitamin-d-deficient/ comments
The following was the only hit for lard and "vitamin D" in Google Shopping Feb 2011
http://www.ecrater.com/p/10645886/lard-quart $12 a quart - from pigs living in the wild in sunny Florida
Searching Google for "vitamin D" lard ("pastured pigs" OR "pastured pork") 2,00 hits Nov 2017
See also VitaminDWiki
- "Free Range Lard" has lots of vitamin D and is good for you
- Vitamin D content of pork increased 3X with about 10 hours of noonday sun – Nov 2017
- Swine need sunshine or 500-2800 IU vitamin D3
- Overview Veterinary and Vitamin D
- All items: Food and vitamin D
112 items - 12 new reasons why vitamin D deficiency is becoming epidemic
- Free-range bacon has 2800 IU of vitamin D per 100 grams
- Timeline of Heart Disease, Diabetes, fats, lard, HFCS, and vitamin D – Aug 2012
- Does Less Sun mean More Disease video made by VitaminDWiki includes a section on pies made with lard
Even food no longer provides as much Vitamin D as it did 100 years ago.
For example, in 1900, pie crust was made with lard from pigs raised outdoors.
Back then, just one piece of a double-crust pie provided 2000 IU of Vitamin D
Today, pie crust is made from vegetable oil or shortening.
How much Vitamin D? Zero.
See also web
- USDA 100 IU in 100 grams of bacon grease - suspect not indoor pigs
- USDA Vitamin D not mentioned in microwaved bacon
- Demand Grows for Hogs That Are Raised Humanely Outdoors New York Times Jan 2014, No mention of vitamin D
- Lard: The Lost Art of Cooking with Your Grandmother's Secret Ingredient Book on Amazon (US) - vitamin D mentioned on only 1 page
"Free range" lard has 500 IU vitamin D per teaspoon67868 visitors, last modified 15 Nov, 2017, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 4199 slice 0 ICU.jpg admin 28 Jul, 2014 29.99 Kb 12842 4198 Slice 2000.jpg admin 28 Jul, 2014 51.62 Kb 19093 4197 Pie 1900.jpg admin 28 Jul, 2014 38.68 Kb 12991 4196 Lard Cooking.jpg admin 28 Jul, 2014 49.35 Kb 13081 462 pig building.gif Editor 19 Feb, 2011 35.28 Kb 15833 461 pig inside.gif Editor 19 Feb, 2011 55.31 Kb 18784