Vitamin D, PCOS and androgens in men: a systematic review.
Endocr Connect. 2018 Feb 15. pii: EC-18-0009. doi: 10.1530/EC-18-0009. [Epub ahead of print]
Trummer C1, Pilz S2, Schwetz V3, Obermayer-Pietsch BR4, Lerchbaum E5.
- Vitamin D and fertility: a systematic review – May 2012
- Fertility problem (PCOS) reduced by vitamin D, etc: many studies
Fertility and Sperm category contains the following summary__
See also:
Overview Women and Vitamin D
Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D Fertility and Vitamin D – several articles
Ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby - take Vitamin D before conception
IVF OR "IN VITRO FERTILIZATION" etc. in 18 VitaminDWiki titles
Items in both of the categories Intervention AND Fertility/Sperm
- In Vitro Fertilization clinical trial using 50,000 IU of Vitamin D bi-weekly – Dec 2024
- Sperm not improved enough by Vitamin D - 50,000 IU weekly for 8 weeks - RCT Aug 2020
- Women had better sexual desire, orgasm and satisfaction after Vitamin D supplementation – Feb 2018
- Testosterone and erectile function increased after vitamin D supplementation – Jan 2018
- Birth rates doubled with Vitamin D - 300,000 for infertile men – RCT Nov 2017
- Increased Testosterone and Erectile function, decreased weight with Vitamin D – March 2017
- Assisted Reproduction – 5 studies concluded vitamin D repletion helps – Review March 2015
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence from animal and human studies suggests that vitamin D is involved in many functions of the reproductive system in both genders.
AIM: The aim of this review was to provide an overview on the effects of vitamin D on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women and androgen metabolism in men.
We performed a systematic literature search in Pubmed for relevant English language publications published from January 2012 until July 2017.
The vitamin D receptor and vitamin D metabolizing enzymes are found in reproductive tissues of women and men. In women, vitamin D status has been associated with several features of PCOS. In detail, cross-sectional data suggest a regulatory role of vitamin D in PCOS-related aspects such as ovulatory dysfunction, insulin resistance as well as hyperandrogenism. Moreover, results from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) suggest that vitamin D supplementation may be beneficial for metabolic, endocrine and fertility aspects in PCOS. In men, vitamin D status has been associated with androgen levels and hypogonadism. Further, there is some evidence for a favourable effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone concentrations, although others failed to show a significant effect on testosterone levels.
In summary, vitamin D deficiency is associated with adverse fertility outcomes including PCOS and hypogonadism, but the evidence is insufficient to establish causality. High quality RCTs are needed to further evaluate the effects of vitamin D supplementation in PCOS women as well as on androgen levels in men.
PMID: 29449314 DOI: 10.1530/EC-18-0009
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