Exclusive: 'Workplace wellness' fails bottom line, waistlines - RAND May 2013: highlights
- Workplace Wellness is a $6 billion industry with 500 vendors - such as Emerick Consulting (Tom Emerick)
- 51% of all big US employers now have Workplace Wellness programs
- Little observable benefit in weight loss, cholesterol reduction, time off from work, health costs, etc.
- Medium to large companies spend $521 per employee per year and get a net savings of only $29
- No statistically significant decreases in cost and use of emergency department and hospital care
- Only 2 % of employers had precise savings estimates
PDF of Rand Study of Workplace Wellness is attached at the bottom of this page
Diversity of Incentives
Types of Incentives
Benefits to employers
Types of Screening
Incentives vs behavior change
Benefits of increasing Vitamin D in employees and their families
SHORT TERM = Quick Return on investment
Reduced Sick Leave - for employee or due to family
Improved on-job productivity - few aches, colds, (difficult to measure)
Reduced pregnancy costs - fewer complications, sick infant,
Reduced time to recover from surgery
Employee not lost due to health problems/death (large cost to train a replacement)
Probably start with the "low hanging fruit"
= employees at high risk of being vitamin D deficient
= belongs to at least one of the following
- Dark skins
- Obese
- Seniors
- Living far from equator
72 items - Pregnant
especially if Dark skin and pregnant- Has a health problem strongly assocated with vitamin D deficiency
- Works 2nd or 3rd shift
- Wear concealing clothing
Concealing clothing resulted in only 8 ng vitamin D – Feb 2011
Excessive clothes and being indoors results in very low vitamin D levels – Nov 2011- Long haul truck driver (UVA thru windshield decreases vitamin D levels)
US truckers die 16 years sooner (UVA-low Vitamin D, obesity, little exercise)Back-of-the-envelope: 5X Return on Investment per family-year for high-risk empolyees in short term
Cost $100: vitamin D, cofactors, education, progam management
Benefit $500
See also VitaminDWiki
- Companies and individuals will benefit from more vitamin D
- Vitamin D associated with better self-rated health in male employees – June 2016
- All items in Cost savings due to Vitamin D
158 items - Disadvantaged get less sun and have poor health in the North– Aug 2011
- More likely to report that productvitiy was effected by health problems if low vitamin D - 2012
- HMOs will save millions of dollars with vitamin D
- All items in category High Risk and Vitamin D
67 items See also web
- Stroke is the #1 cause of long-term disability Mercola June 2013
and the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.- Overview Stroke and vitamin D in VitaminDWiki
- Providing Workplace Wellness Centers Could Backfire May 2013
While fitness is a key domain of wellness, wellness is also relationships, spirituality, quality of life, nutrition, resiliency, stress management and financial well-being
Short url = http://is.gd/Dwellness
Opportunity: Enhance Workplace Wellness programs with Vitamin D19310 visitors, last modified 15 Jun, 2016, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 2584 Incentives.jpg admin 17 Jun, 2013 39.26 Kb 1006 2583 Types of screening.jpg admin 17 Jun, 2013 40.89 Kb 1912 2582 Benefits to employers.jpg admin 17 Jun, 2013 22.40 Kb 2187 2581 Type of Incentive.jpg admin 17 Jun, 2013 34.28 Kb 2100 2580 incentive diversity.jpg admin 17 Jun, 2013 35.55 Kb 3426 2579 RAND+Workplace+wellness 2012.pdf admin 17 Jun, 2013 1.41 Mb 1536
- Pregnant