YouTube Video - 1 minute long by
His book is to be published in Aug 2018
- Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D contains the following summary and sections
*25 Meta-analyses of Vitamin D and Breast Cancer
example: 2X reduction of deaths from Breast Cancer if have enough Vitamin D.- Appears that having lots of Vitamin D will reduce by 3 X the chance of Breast Cancer
wonder just how much more proof is needed- Breast Cancer 4X more likely if have poor genes
- Cancer - Breast category listing has
260 items along with related searches - Breast Cancer treatment – Vitamin D was the most-popular supplement – Jan 2023
- Breast Cancer again associated with low vitamin D – 15th meta-analysis Sept 2020
- Vitamin D reduced Breast Cancer mortality in 9 out of 9 studies, yet still no consensus – April 2019
- Vitamin D both prevents and treats Breast Cancer – 2019
- 1 pill every two weeks fights all of the following
Diabetes + Heart Failure + Chronic Pain + Depression + Autism + Breast Cancer + Colon Cancer + Prostate Cancer + BPH (prostate) + Preeclampsia + Premature Birth + Falls + Cognitive Decline + Respiratory Tract Infection + Influenza + Tuberculosis + Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease + Lupus + Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome + Urinary Tract Infection + Poor Sleep + Growing Pain + Multiple Sclerosis + PMS + Schizophrenia + Endometriosis + Smoking 27 problemsNote: Once a week also fights: COVID, Headaches, Colds, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Hives, Colitis etc.
- Proof that Vitamin D Works 86 diseases proven to be prevented/treats as of Feb 2018
- So Tell Me . . . What Are You Doing to Prevent Breast Cancer - June 2017
- Breast cancer recurred twice as often if have less than 20 ng of vitamin D – Dec 2018
- Breast Cancer 80 percent less likely if high level of vitamin D – June 2018 has the following chart
Short URL for this page = Cancer Awareness month should be changed to PREVENTION – video Aug 201814132 visitors, last modified 01 Aug, 2018, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 10211 BC Prevention image.jpg admin 18 Jul, 2018 34.39 Kb 778 10196 VDD book.jpg admin 16 Jul, 2018 23.15 Kb 851 - Appears that having lots of Vitamin D will reduce by 3 X the chance of Breast Cancer