
Multiple Sclerosis rates are highest in Canada (far from equator) – May 2018

Multiple sclerosis in Canada: Understanding why MS rates are the highest here

Good overview to MS has several short videos in a 5 part series
Used to take years to diagnose MS, now can be done in days

MS prevelance – Statistica 2015 data


A visual look at new worldwide multiple sclerosis prevalence data Vitamin D Council 2013]


See also VitaminDWiki

MS Society of Canada - 2018?

Vitamin d
Has very conservative PDF recommendations for both lay public and professionals
Does not different much from the IoM recomendations for any disease as of 2010 - 600 to 4,000 IU of Vitamin D
The word COIMBRA does not occur once in their recommendations.
After the chairwoman presented the report in June 2019 she was asked about Coimbra successes.
She was totally unaware of Coimbra
Coimbra has not published his findings, as his protocol is totally inconsistent with Randomized Controlled Trials
   The protocol, being used by about 50 doctors on 20,000 patient, adjusts the dosing per each patient, rather using a single dose size for all.
     It also goes way beyond Vitamin D monotherapy

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday June 3, 2019 17:38:22 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 8)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
10173 MS VDC.jpg admin 13 Jul, 2018 41.12 Kb 1255
10172 MS 2015 statistica.jpg admin 13 Jul, 2018 31.29 Kb 1090
10171 MS symptoms.jpg admin 13 Jul, 2018 77.95 Kb 3036