
Lung Cancer (NSLC) more lethal if poor Vitamin D gene ( CYP2R1) – Oct 2019

Genetic Polymorphisms in the Vitamin D Pathway and Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Survival

Pathology & Oncology Research, pp 1–7
Jinyu Kong Xiaojie Chen Jian Wang Jingxin Li Fangxiu Xu Shegan Gao Herbert Yu Biyun Qian


56 items in Cancer-Lung

 - see also Overview Lung cancer and vitamin D,   Cancer - After diagnosis,   Overview Cancer and vitamin D

Lung Cancer Meta-analyses

Lung Cancer Genetics

Lung Cancer Vitamin D Receptor


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Various genetic polymorphisms have been linked to lung cancer susceptibility and survival outcomes. Vitamin D (VD) regulates cell proliferation and differentiation, inhibits tumor growth and induces apoptosis. Observations from several previous studies including our own suggest that genetic polymorphisms in the VD pathway may be associated with lung cancer risk. The aim of this study is to assess if genetic polymorphisms in the VD pathway are associated with the prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in five genes in the VD pathway were genotyped with the TaqMan assays in 542 patients with primary NSCLC, and the relationships between these SNPs and overall survival were evaluated.
We found that SNP rs10741657 in the CYP2R1 gene was associated with the prognosis of NSCLC, especially in elderly patients and not being treated with chemotherapy. Some of the VD pathway-related genetic polymorphisms may influence the prognosis of NSCLC. More research is needed to further confirm the finding and test if VD supplements can be used for NSCLC treatment.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday October 17, 2019 20:57:09 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 7)

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12817 Lung Cancer types.jpg admin 17 Oct, 2019 24.19 Kb 587
12816 NSLC Wikipedia.jpg admin 17 Oct, 2019 95.35 Kb 545
12815 NSLC table.jpg admin 17 Oct, 2019 105.91 Kb 561
12814 NSLC.jpg admin 17 Oct, 2019 53.81 Kb 589
12813 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer.pdf admin 17 Oct, 2019 272.77 Kb 593