
Vitamin D limits inflammation etc. from health problems and food – Aug 2020

Vitamin D and advanced glycation end products and their receptors

Pharmacological Research, Volume 158, August 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phrs.2020.104879
Sorayya Kheirouri a Mohammad Alizadeh b

  • Vitamin D reduces AGE levels in disease and hypovitaminosis D conditions.
  • Vitamin D treatment increases sRAGE level.
  • Vitamin D reduces RAGE expression in some disease conditions.
  • Vitamin D increases RAGE expression in subjects with normal vitamin D status.



Inflammation category listing has 175 items

Inflammation Intervention trials using Vitamin D:

Pages listed in BOTH the categories Omega-3 and Inflammation

Searched VitaminDWiki for "Advanced Glycation End Products"

160 results May 2020

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Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are destructive molecules in the body that, at high levels, contribute to the progression of various chronic diseases. Numerous studies have suggested a modifying effect of vitamin D on AGEs and their receptors.
This study sought to summarize the effects of vitamin D on AGEs and their receptors, including:

  • receptor for AGEs (RAGE) and
  • soluble receptor for AGEs (sRAGE).

The search method initially identified 484 articles; 331 remained after duplicate removal. Thirty-five articles were screened and identified as relevant to the study topic. After critical analysis, 27 articles were included in the final analysis. Vitamin D treatment may possibly be beneficial to reduce AGE levels and to augment sRAGE levels, particularly in vitamin D-deficient situations. Treatment with this vitamin may be effective in reducing RAGE expression in some disease conditions, but might be even harmful under normal conditions. The inhibitory or stimulatory effects of vitamin D on AGE receptors are mediated by various signaling pathways, MAPK/NF-κB, ADAM10/MMP9 and AT1R. In populations with chronic diseases and concomitant hypovitaminosis D, vitamin D supplementation can be used as a strategy to ameliorate AGE-mediated complications by modifying the AGE-RAGE and sRAGE systems.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday August 17, 2020 20:22:44 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 6)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
13856 AGE block.jpg admin 24 May, 2020 26.47 Kb 459
13855 VitD and AGE_compressed.pdf admin 24 May, 2020 266.87 Kb 480