There are 30 Boron studies on this page and
Boron by itself improves health in many ways if take at least 3 mg daily
Boron increases vitamin D in the blood in 10 of 11 people in a small pilot study
Boron improves magnesium absorption and may help vitamin D non-responders – Aug 2015
Boron also increases the Vitamin D which gets to the tissues
Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell
Overview Magnesium and vitamin D
Nothing Boring about Boron
- wiki page:
- Boron For Vitamin D Deficiency - Jan 2024
- Boron improves Human Health
- Pivotal role of Boron supplementation on bone health - Dec 2020
- Boron appears to increase Vitamin D by inhibiting a gene - 2004
- Boron and Metabolic Disorders - June 2022
- Supplements taken by the founder of VitaminDWiki
- Excellent reviews of supplements at ConsumerLab
- Knee osteoarthritis: Vitamin D is the 4th best treatment – meta-analysis Oct 2020
- Active vitamin D levels can be temporarily raised 80 percent with Boron – US Patent Mar 2016
- Prostate cancer risk cut in half by consuming Boron-rich food or water
- Off topic: Transcutaneous enhancers (DMSO, etc) for Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Resveratrol, Magnesium, etc.
- World's Top Authors in Vitamin D, VDR, Vitamin K, Omega-3, etc - Jan 2019
- The Physiological Role of Boron on Health – Nov 2018
- Boron is vital for animal (and human) health – Dec 2018
- Bulk supplementation of Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, B-12, K2, Boron etc. - lower cost and easier than pills
- High vitamin D is associated with high Calcium and no Boron (in hair) – June 2017
- Children with Idiopathic arthritis have very low Boron levels – Jan 2016
- Boron is probably important to human health – 2003
- Knee osteoarthritis strongly associated with low Boron – 2015
- Rheumatoid arthritis and many other diseases associated with low Boron – 2012
- Boron and Granulomas (TB, Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's, Rheumatic Fever etc.) - 2015
- Dupuytren’s Contracture (bent finger) treated by Boron and DMSO - 2016
- Far fewer joint problems (Osteochondrosis) when Boron was added to diet (pigs)
- Vitamin D and Boron
- Boron improves magnesium absorption and may help vitamin D non-responders – Aug 2015
- Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell
- How much vitamin D and other nutrients do I take
- Need at least 1 mg of Boron daily – Oct 2011
- Importance of Boron in the diet – June 2012
- Healthy bones need: Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Silicon, Vitamin K, and Boron – 2012
- Reasons for low response to vitamin D
- Low cost cofactors for vitamin D
- 10 mg of Boron daily increased Vitamin D and other levels – Dec 2010
- Boron increases vitamin D in the blood
Ways to improve health - includes Boron
See also web
Boron is important for health – March 2018
The Physiological Role of Boron on Health
Biological Trace Element Research, pp 1–21, First Online: 15 March 2018
Haseeb Khaliq, Zhong Juming, Peng Ke-Mei
 Download the PDF from Sci-Hub via VitaminDWiki
Boron is an essential mineral that plays an important role in several biological processes. Boron is required for growth of plants, animals, and humans. There are increasing evidences of this nutrient showing a variety of pleiotropic effects, ranging from
- anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects to the
- modulation of different body systems.
In the past few years, the trials showed disease-related polymorphisms of boron in different species, which has drawn attention of scientists to the significance of boron to health.
Low boron profile has been related with
- poor immune function,
- increased risk of mortality,
- osteoporosis, and
- cognitive deterioration.
High boron status revealed injury to cell and toxicity in different animals and humans. Some studies have shown some benefits of higher boron status, but findings have been generally mixed, which perhaps accentuates the fact that dietary intake will benefit only if supplemental amount is appropriate. The health benefits of boron are numerous in animals and humans; for instance, it affects the growth at safe intake.
Central nervous system shows improvement and immune organs exhibit enhanced immunity with boron supplementation.
Hepatic metabolism also shows positive changes in response to dietary boron intake. Furthermore, animals and human fed diets supplemented with boron reveal
- improved bone density and other benefits including
- embryonic development,
- wound healing, and
- cancer therapy.
It has also been reported that boron affects the metabolism of several enzymes and minerals. In the background of these health benefits, low or high boron status is giving cause for concern. Additionally, researches are needed to further elucidate the mechanisms of boron effects, and determine the requirements in different species.
Pivotal role of boron supplementation on bone health: A narrative review - Dec 2020
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology Vol. 62, Dec. 2020, 126577;
Author links open overlay panelMariangelaRondanelliabMilena AnnaFalivacGabriellaPeronicVittoriaInfantinobClaraGasparricGiancarloIannellodSimonePernaeAntonellaRivafGiovannaPetrangolinifAliceTartarac
Boron is a trace element that plays an important role in numerous biological functions, including calcium metabolism, growth and maintenance of bone tissue. However, there are still no precise indications regarding a possible role of boron supplementation, and its amount of supplementation, to maintain bone health. So the aim of this narrative review was to consider the state of the art on the effectiveness of boron supplementation (alone or with other micronutrients) on growth and maintenance of bone in humans through control of calcium, vitamin D and sex steroid hormone metabolism in order to suggest a daily dosage of boron supplementation.
Main findings
This review included 11 eligible studies: 7 regarding the supplementation with boron alone and 4 regarding supplementation with boron and other nutrients. Despite the number of studies considered being low, the number of subjects studied is high (594) and the results are interesting.
The studies considered in this narrative review have evaluated the positive effectiveness on bone, in humans, through control of calcium, vitamin D and sex steroid hormone metabolism, considering a dietary supplementation of 3 mg/day of boron (alone or with other nutrients); this supplementation is demonstrably useful to support bone health (in order to prevent and maintain adequate bone mineral density), also considering the daily dose of 3 mg is much lower than the Upper Level indicated by EFSA in the daily dose of 10 mg.
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Annotated bibliography of importance of Boron to Health Robin Whittle 2020
Video of Jorge Flechas, MD:"Boron and Oral Health" July 2015, 40 minutes, excellent
- People in Turkey take 58 milligrams of Boron daily (in US toxic level is said to be about 15 milligrams)
- Jamaica arthritis 70% - Zero Boron, Israel arthritis 0.5% - high levels of Boron
- US patent 1994 for organic boron to treat osteoorosis, etc (one of the reasons why you do not hear about it)
- Note: patents typically expire after 20 years ==> 2014
- 1/2 life of Boron in humans is 21 hours
- Boron is essential to convert Testosterone into the active form used in the body
- Do not take Boron before going to sleep - it will keep you awake
- Same doctor has video on Iodine 42 minutes, Aug 2014
- "Boron deficiency may be the most important factor in causing arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay today"
- Many geography and arthritis examples
- "Incidentally ALL SPAS reputedly curing arthritis have very high Borax levels"
- "many patients with arthritis commonly experienced a Herxheimer reaction, which is an early aggravation of symptoms with increased pain for a short period of time (you may feel worse before you feel better). It is commonly due to toxins being released by killed Candida and mycoplasma.
- :The beneficial effect of Boron on bones seems to be due to two interrelated effects: a higher Boron content of the bones which makes them harder, and a normalization of sex hormones which stimulates the growth of new bone. Low estrogen levels after menopause are thought to be the main reason why so many older women develop osteoporosis."
- "For Boron to be fully effective in reversing tissue calcification ample magnesium is required. For older individuals 400 to 600 mg of magnesium together with the daily Boron supplementation spaced out during the day."
- "Simple TABLE SALT is 100 times more dangerous than Borax! "
Borax Cures and Health Benefits Oct 2016 ?
- "Sodium borate is also effective for treating a variety of specific ailments. As an anti-inflammatory agent, borax effectively treats arthritis, gout, swollen gums and other inflammatory diseases. Additionally, the substance eliminates infection such as bladder infection, urinary tract infection and others. It has also been used to treat cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, arterial disease and osteoporosis."
- "There are a lot of evidence why borax is effective against nearly all forms of fungus, whether they be mycoplasma found in lupus, rosacea, dog mange, interstitial cystitis plasmodium parasites, Morgellons disease, or even pneumonia"
- Sections: What is borax?; Borax's healing and preventative properties; Borax as a remedy; Where to get borax; Internal uses; External uses
- "Boron is for the parathyroids what iodine is for the thyroid."
- "Boron deficiency causes the parathyroids to become overactive, releasing too much parathyroid hormone which raises the blood calcium by grabbing it from bones and teeth. This then leads to osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay."
- 'For boron to be fully effective in reversing tissue calcification, ample magnesium is needed'
- "Osteoporosis is responsible for more long-term hospital care than any other individual disease " The Borax Conspiracy - How the Arthritis Cure has been stopped, Walter Last
Essentiality of boron for healthy bones and joints - Newman 1994 RCT   PDF on VitaminDWiki
- 50% receiving the 6 mg boron supplement for 8 weeks improved vs
10% receiving the placebo.
Boron at
- - - - - Dr. Alan Russell - - - - - - - -
Boron – Memory and Alzheimer’s Disease Oct 2016
- "For the past 5 years or more I have been using Boron widely in my practice for a range of ailments – Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis, menopausal symptoms, Dupuytren’s Contracture or other collage disorders. "
See as a result of this in VitaminDWiki Dupuytren’s Contracture (bent finger) treated by Boron and DMSO - 2016 - . . "I do not have one case of Alzheimer’s Disease in my practice."
- "Looking further into the literature of drugs being developed to tackle Alzheimer’s I was interested to note that a group of complicated molecules with Boron being in the center were in the process of being developed by therapeutic houses."
- The mechanism of action of Boron is now clearer July 2016
- . . "my interest lies in the fact that the mechanism of action for Boron is defined. It blocks the inflammatory cascade by blocking PDE4."
- Also interested in the benefits of using SAMe in combination with Boron
- Glucosamine, Niacinamide, Boron, SAMe, Turmeric , Vitamin D, Selenium ?
comment on Nothing Boring about Boron
Penland and others in his office - Boron (Recommended by Dr. Alan Russell)
-  Penland 1994 PDF from VitaminDWiki
-  Penland 1998 PDF from VitaminDWiki
- Penland 1994 was cited by 108 later publications as of Oct 2016
-  Nielsen 1997 from VitaminDWiki same office as Penland
-  Nielsen 1998 from VitaminDWiki same office as Penland
-  Growing Evidence Nielsen - 2011 from VitaminDWiki same office as Penland
- "Since 1981 occasional reports have appeared suggesting that boron can ameliorate or prevent arthritic symptoms"
- "In a double-blind study conducted in Australia, 20 patients with confirmed osteoarthritis were given a placebo or a supplement providing 6 mg of boron daily for 8 weeks; 15 patients completed the study.15 Of the 7 patients consuming the boron supplement, 5 reported improved subjective measures for their arthritic condition (eg, less pain on movement), whereas only 1 of 8 patients consuming the placebo reported an improvement in their arthritic condition"
- "Patients with mild to moderate arthritis supplemented daily with 6 mg of boron as calcium fructoborate (a naturally occurring boron complex commonly found in fruits and vegetables) reported markedly reduced pain. By week 8, 80% of the test participants reduced or eliminated their use of painkillers. Joint rigidity essentially disappeared, and mobility was markedly increased at 8 weeks."
- "Considerable evidence exists to support the contention that boron has a beneficial (if not an essential) function, influencing especially trabecular and alveolar bone growth and maintenance"
- from Summary: "in nutritional amounts, it promotes bone health, brain function, and the immune or inflammatory response; alleviates or decreases the risk for arthritis; facilitates the action or utilization of several hormones; and is associated with decreased risk for some cancers."
-  Update on human health effects of Boron Nielsen - 2014 from VitaminDWiki same office as Penland
-  Price Nutrition 2012 from VitaminDWiki
-  Chemotherapy 2012 from VitaminDWiki
- Determining human dietary requirements for boron 1998 $40, 3 day study of only 7 men
-  Plants and Humans 2010 from VitaminDWiki
-  Calclum Frutoborate 2009 from VitaminDWiki
Drinking water and Boron
Conference, Symp on Boron and Health - 1994
-  Summary: International Symposium on the Health Effects of Boron and Its Compounds - from VitaminDWiki
- "Drosophila flies under increased dietary levels of boron experienced a 10% increase in their longevity."
- "Boron recently has been demonstrated to overcome the effects of vitamin D deficiency in chickens and rats."
- "It appears that boron, in combination with vitamin D3 enhances the mineral content of bone, while boron alone enhances the maturation of growth cartilage."
- "The addition of dietary boron in animals increased femoral length, peak load bearing, and strength, as well as the peak load bearing and strength of the lumbar vertebra." (animals)
- . . . "it is unlikely that any drug company will spend the money necessary to develop compounds like borates for promoting health."
A Boron supplement will reduce the daily loss of calcium by nearly 50%.
Glyphosate apparently reduces the amount of boron which a plant can get from the soil 2016 summary on Boron is attached - with my highlights
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Boron summary - OCT 2020
Most notable findings
Boric Acid reduces Osteoporosis and Osteopenia
- Boron Osteoporosis, Osteopenia from
" . . there was lower boron concentrations in "femur, heads, bones and synovial fluid "of people with arthritis than from those who did not have arthritis."
"These researchers (1963) also found that those who used boron supplements had much harder bones than those who did not use such supplements!"
Boron in the body - not too little, not too much: microgram/gram 0.77-6.51 males, 0.47-3.89 females.
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