- Vitamin D supplementation to prevent tuberculosis infection in South African schoolchildren: multicenter phase 3 double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial (ViDiKids)
- VitaminDwiki – Tuberculosis category contains
- VitaminDwiki – Overview Tuberculosis and Vitamin D contains
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8 studies in both categories TB and Vitamin D Receptor - VitaminDWiki - Vitamin D Receptor activation can be increased in many ways
Vitamin D supplementation to prevent tuberculosis infection in South African schoolchildren: multicenter phase 3 double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial (ViDiKids)
Int J Infect Dis. 2023 Sep;134:63-70. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2023.05.010
Keren Middelkoop 1, Justine Stewart 1, Neil Walker 2, Carmen Delport 3, David A Jolliffe 4, Anna K Coussens 5, James Nuttall 6, Jonathan C Y Tang 7, William D Fraser 7, Christopher J Griffiths 2, Geeta Trilok Kumar 8, Suzanne Filteau 9, Richard L Hooper 2, Robert J Wilkinson 10, Linda-Gail Bekker 3, Adrian R Martineau 11Objectives: To determine whether weekly oral supplementation with 10,000 IU vitamin D3 for 3 years reduces the risk of sensitization to M. tuberculosis in South African schoolchildren aged 6-11 years with negative QuantiFERON-tuberculosis (TB) Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) assay results at baseline.
Methods: We conducted a phase 3 randomized placebo-controlled trial in 1682 children attending 23 primary schools in Cape Town. The primary outcome was a positive end-trial QFT-Plus result, analyzed using a mixed effects logistic regression model with the school of attendance included as a random effect.
Results: 829 vs. 853 QFT-Plus-negative children were randomized to receive vitamin D3 vs. placebo, respectively. Mean end-study 25(OH)D concentrations in participants randomized to vitamin D vs. placebo were 104.3 vs 64.7 nmol/l, respectively (95% confidence interval for difference, 37.6 to 41.9 nmol/l). A total of 76/667 (11.4%) participants allocated to vitamin D vs. 89/687 (13.0%) participants allocated to placebo tested QFT-Plus positive at 3-year follow-up (adjusted odds ratio 0.86, 95% confidence interval 0.62-1.19, P = 0.35).
Conclusion: Weekly oral supplementation with 10,000 IU vitamin D3 for 3 years elevated serum 25(OH)D concentrations among QFT-Plus-negative Cape Town schoolchildren but did not reduce their risk of QFT-Plus conversion.
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VitaminDwiki – Tuberculosis category contains
125 Tuberculosis studies: 15 RCT, 14 Meta-analyses, 8 Vitamin D Receptor - TB patients had low Vitamin D and poor Vitamin D receptor – June 2019
- Tuberculosis recovery speeded up by single 450,000 IU dose of vitamin D – RCT Jan 2017
- Receptor-related diseases respond especially well to high-dose Vitamin D
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis 2X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor (Mexico) – April 2018
- TB not prevented by a small amount of Vitamin D (2,000 IU daily average, Mongolia) – RCT July 2020
- Tuberculosis -100 percent cure rate with 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily – RCT 2006
- Latent Tuberculosis 44 percent less likely if Vitamin D more than 30 ng - 14th meta-analysis Jan 2022
- Tuberculosis (multi-drug resistant) was 13.4 X more likely to be quickly cleared with Vitamin D - Meta-analysis Feb 2019
- No tuberculosis if more than 80 ng of vitamin D (cattle) - Jan 2022
see also Overview Tuberculosis and Vitamin D Breathing category
TB has been increasing
VitaminDwiki – Overview Tuberculosis and Vitamin D contains
Many studies have found that Vitamin D both PREVENTS and TREATS TB
- As with many other diseases, we expect that there will be at least a 4X range of vitamin D due to:
- 4X range in the response in the vitamin D blood level for the same IU dose - for healthy, non-obese, people
- Poor Vitamin D Receptor activation results in far less vitamin D getting to cells
- However, a VDR restriction is not noticed by Vitamin D blood tests
- UV appears to be as powerful or perhaps more powerful than vitamin D in TREATING TB
- Tuberculosis -100 percent cure rate with 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily – RCT 2006
- TB 10X less likely to catch if have sufficient vitamin D – Dec 2011
- Trials using small vitamin D doses neither prevent nor treat TB 2023 2022 2020
- No tuberculosis if more than 80 ng of vitamin D (cattle) - Jan 2022
- Humans need a lot of Vitamin D as well
125 items
VitaminDWiki -
8 studies in both categories TB and Vitamin D Receptor This list is automatically updated
- TB patients had low Vitamin D and poor Vitamin D receptor – June 2019
- TB and Leprosy are easily confused and associated with Vitamin D Receptor
- Certain types of Tuberculosis are 2X more likely with a poor Vitamin D Receptor – April 2019
- Tuberculosis increased risk if poor Vitamin D receptor varies by race – meta-analysis Feb 2019
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis 2X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor (Mexico) – April 2018
- TB risk in Blacks increased 20 percent having poor Vitamin D Receptors – Sept 2017
- Tuberculosis 1.3 times more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis Oct 2016
- Tuberculosis, genes and vitamin D – Meta-Analysis Dec 2013
VitaminDWiki - Vitamin D Receptor activation can be increased in many ways
Resveratrol, Omega-3, Magnesium, Zinc, Quercetin, non-daily Vit D, Curcumin, Berberine, intense exercise, Butyrate Sulforaphane Metflormin (Kidney) Ginger, Essential oils, etc Note: The founder of VitaminDWiki uses 10 of the many VDR activators
TB again not prevented by a small amount of Vitamin D – RCT Aug 20233967 visitors, last modified 05 Jan, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)