
Omega-3 for just 3 months greatly reduced psychosis for 80 months – RCT Aug 2015

Longer-term outcome in the prevention of psychotic disorders by the Vienna omega-3 study

Nature Communications 6, Article number: 7934 doi:10.1038/ncomms8934
G. Paul Amminger, Miriam R. Schäfer, Monika Schlögelhofer, Claudia M. Klier & Patrick D. McGorry

Survival without psychotic event (clipped from PDF)

Long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are essential for neural development and function. As key components of brain tissue, omega-3 PUFAs play critical roles in brain development and function, and a lack of these fatty acids has been implicated in a number of mental health conditions over the lifespan, including schizophrenia.

We have previously shown that a 12-week intervention with omega-3 PUFAs reduced the risk of progression to psychotic disorder in young people with subthreshold psychotic states for a 12-month period compared with placebo.

We have now completed a longer-term follow-up of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, at a median of 6.7 years. Here we show that brief intervention with omega-3 PUFAs reduced both the risk of progression to psychotic disorder and psychiatric morbidity in general in this study. The majority of the individuals from the omega-3 group did not show severe functional impairment and no longer experienced attenuated psychotic symptoms at follow-up.

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Daily: 700 mg of EPA + 480 mg of DHA: standard dosing of Omega-3

Suggestion by Henry Lahore of VitaminDWiki

This is the most amazing study I can recall seeing. 3 months supplementation ==> 80 months of prevention
It appears that young adults at high risk of psychosis should take Omega-3 for a while and perhaps vitamin D as well
Extremely low cost and low risk of taking these supplements.

See also VitaminDWiki

Pages listed in BOTH the categories Omega-3 and Depression

See also web

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