Wired for Healing: Remapping the Brain to Recover From Chronic and Mysterious Illnesses Mercola
Video and transcript
- Limbic hyperactivity or dysfunction appears to be a foundational core of the dysfunction and challenges associated with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM)and a number of other conditions
- Your limbic system is the emotional and reactive part of your brain, responsible for filtering sensory and emotional information, and sorting that information into two distinct categories: safe or unsafe
- When neurons along that neural network are damaged or not working functionally, your limbic system can start to categorize information that would not normally be considered dangerous as life-threatening; essentially, your brain gets stuck in the fight-flight-or-freeze mechanism
- Limbic retraining helps you retrain your limbic system to respond in a functional manner, thereby reducing symptoms
- Remember, though, even if your symptoms dissipate through limbic retraining, you still need to mitigate the cellular injury that toxic chemicals, mold or EMF exposure has inflicted
She had written a book on the topic in 2014
Wired For Healing – $0 Kindle Unlimited
- Overview Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue and vitamin D
- Off topic: Brain Plasticity (best way to exercise your brain) – Interview Dec 2012
- Wikipedia