New study: we're not getting enough vitamin D ScienceNordic
- Had been 300 IU/day
- In 2010 the average intake was < 150 IU/day
- It is unlikely that recommendation will make much of a change
- The study stopped looking at data after 2010 (suspect it is just following behind the US increase to 600 IU for bones in 2010)
See also VitaminDWiki
- Vitamin D Deficiency
- Vitamin D Recommendations around the world - IU and ng
- Germany = 800 IU as of Jan 2012
- Veiled Somali pregnant women in Sweden had low vitamin D and were weak – Dec 2013
400 IU is not enough for whites, and is far too little for those with dark skins - Vitamin D deficiency diseases in dark skinned people living far from equator – Meta-analysis Oct 2013
- 20 ng is enough vitamin D for healthy Nordic Caucasians: 5th Nordic meta-analysis – Oct 2013
- Dark skinned pregnant women far from equator were very vitamin D deficient – Sept 2012
- People with no UV for 6 months in the winter need at least 2000 IU of vitamin D – April 2011