Questions to ask yourself about surgery and drugs
Can I get the surgery soon?
Can I afford the medical treatment ?
Am I young enough to have the surgery?
Am I healthy enough for the surgery?
Do I have access to a medical facility?
Can I tolerate the drugs prescribed?
If you answered yes to ALL of the above, then do get the standard surgery/drug, but consider augmenting with Alternative Medicine
If you answered no to any of the above, then consider Alternative Medical options, such as
Get a high level of vitamin D (as supplements or lots of time in the sun)
Take supplements appropriate for the medical problem
Lose weight
Eat better
Reduce stress
Use medical tourism (typically 1/3 but can be as low as 1/10 the cost in the US)
Physical Therapy, Feldenkrais, Yoga
Hypnosis, NLP
Whole Body Vibration (reduce falls)
Use an air cleaner (improve breathing)
Use Low Level Laser Therapy reduce lymph build-up etc.
I (Henry Lahore) have tried and used many alternative medical options, such as the ones above.
Only vitamin D has provided me, and many others, with powerful and quick treatment for a wide variety of problems
Others also believe that vitamin D is great
- Patients like me survey found vitamin D to be number one supplement - across ALL problems
- Overview Pain and Vitamin D Includes a wide variety of chronic and acute pains,
- All items in category After Surgery or Trauma
355 items - All items in Cost Savings and Vitamin D
158 items - Pregnancy is far less expensive with vitamin D
Cost savings with Vitamin D includes the following
158 items include: - Vitamin D has been found to be cost-effective by many studies
- Estimated cost savings of getting most Canadians to 40 ng of Vitamin D - 2016
- Severe asthmatics willing to pay 5180 dollars for relief, Vitamin D needed costs only 45 dollars – Sept 2023
- People with extremely low vitamin D levels consume 2X more health care dollars – 2018
- Reduce 4 health problems by a quarter if increase Vitamin D to 30 ng – Saudi Arabia, Grant March 2023
- The top 10 medical expenses can all be decreased by vitamin D
- VA showed increased vitamin D associated with lower health costs - Lancet May 2012
- Diabetes prevented by 50,000 IU vitamin D monthly (Iran) – Jan 2022
- People with extremely low vitamin D levels consume 2X more health care dollars – 2018
- Giving free vitamin D to every Iranian would pay for itself by just reducing CVD – Oct 2021
- Heart attack ICU costs cut in half by Vitamin D – Oct 2018
- Medical problems are thought to be a cause of 66 percent of bankruptcies – April 2019
- Vitamin D is the 3rd most important contributor to health, following exercise and food
- 10 fewer days of ICU Mechanical Ventilation 300,000 IU injection of vitamin D – RCT March 2019
- Employers gain 10 dollars in productivity for every dollar spent on giving Vitamin D for free
- Employers should give night shift workers free vitamin D – GMB Union June 2019
- Biology of Vitamin D – 30ng min., 50ng preferred, 1000X lower cost than health problem – Feb 2019
- Dutch Vitamin D cost-effectivity Calculations (they prescribe 100,000 IU for Multiple Sclerosis) – Jan 2022
- Vitamin D is needed before many surgeries – many studies and RCTs
- 10 fewer days of ICU Mechanical Ventilation 300,000 IU injection of vitamin D – RCT March 2019
- ICU cost reduced by at least 27,000 dollars if get high dose vitamin D in first week - April 2017
- If you cannot readily get medical treatment, consider Alternative Med such as vitamin D
Having lots of vitamin D
- reduces many chronic pains
- allows the body the heal itself of some diseases
- reduces the progress of some diseases
- apparently increases many different “growth factors”, which help in healing
How much is a high level of vitamin D?
Minimum of 40 nanograms, preferably 50 nanograms and perhaps > 80 nanograms.
How to go about getting lots of vitamin D (under medical supervision if you can afford it)
- Make sure you are not allergic to vitamin D
take perhaps a single 1,000 IU dose and watch for an allergic reaction in the next few days - Take a loading dose of vitamin D to get your vitamin D level high as soon as possible
Example: 20,000 IU vitamin D3 daily for a month (consider 40,000 daily if obese)
Cofactors– to increase the effectiveness of the vitamin D and balance the body
For some people the body becomes unbalanced if vitamin D is increased and cofactors such as Magnesium are not increased at the same time.Risk Summary – approximate
1 in 10,000 people get too much vitamin D: >150 ng Toxic
1 in 50 people: vitamin D level did not get high enough
1 in 20 people: imbalance by not taking cofactorsToDo yet for this webpage
will have links to/ or graphics showing
Vitamin D benefits vs ng
Chart showing experts recommended vitamin D levels: range 30 to 100 nanogram
Vitamin D Intervention overview (with many examples for 10,000 to 20,000 IU daily
Cost effectiveness & blog about vitamin D before surgery
Vitamin D Council recommends taking 50,000 IU a day for several days before any surgery
Use of Calcium in urine test ($1) to check for excessive vitaminVitamin D testing typically not needed, but with 9 (rare) diseases it is – April 2012
How this web page came to exist May 2012
This idea started from my noticing the 6-12 month waits Canadians have for surgery.
I thought that some Canadians should trying getting lots of vitamin D to relieve pain while waiting and perhaps get some treatment.
Ken, my 99 year-old father-in-law, thought that I should extend the concept to those who are too old to get surgery.
Then I considered the half of the world who cannot afford medical treatment.
Then . . then . .then . . . this web pageCanadians wait many weeks: first see the doctor, then more weeks to see the specialist
Percentage of people having to wait more than 6 days - many countries
Vitamin D might eliminate the pain and occasionally eliminate the need for the medical treatment
400,000 IU of vitamin D reduced adult pain and improved quality of life – March 2014
If you cannot readily get medical treatment, consider Alternative Med such as vitamin D17662 visitors, last modified 16 Dec, 2019, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 1381 Canadian time to wait to see a doctor.jpg admin 08 Jun, 2012 14.82 Kb 2802 1379 Canadian Median wait time 2011.jpg admin 08 Jun, 2012 28.92 Kb 2678 - All items in Cost Savings and Vitamin D