
Headaches vary with latitude and season and perhaps vitamin D as well -May 2010

J Headache Pain. 2010 May 13. Epub ahead of print
Prakash S, Mehta NC, Dabhi AS, Lakhani O, Khilari M, Shah ND.
Department of Neurology, Medical College, SSG Hospital, O-19, Doctor's Quarter, Jail Road, Baroda, Gujarat, 390001, India, drprakashs at yahoo.co.in.
According to recent observations, there is worldwide vitamin D insufficiency (VDI) in various populations. A number of observations suggest a link between low serum levels of vitamin D and higher incidence of chronic pain.
A few case reports have shown a beneficial effect of vitamin D therapy in patients with headache disorders.
Serum vitamin D level shows a strong correlation with the latitude. Here, we review the literature to delineate a relation of prevalence rate of headaches with the latitude. We noted a significant relation between the prevalence of both tension-type headache and migraine with the latitude.
There was a tendency for headache prevalence to increase with increasing latitude. The relation was more obvious for the lifetime prevalence for both migraine and tension-type headache. One year prevalence for migraine was also higher at higher latitude.
There were limited studies on the seasonal variation of headache disorders. However, available data indicate increased frequency of headache attacks in autumn-winter and least attacks in summer. This profile of headache matches with the seasonal variations of serum vitamin D levels. The presence of vitamin D receptor, 1alpha-hydroxylase and vitamin D-binding protein in the hypothalamus further suggest a role of vitamin D deficiency in the generation of head pain. PMID: 20464624

A few links from the web on Headache and vitamin D


has excellent graph of what patients are taking for migraine headaches - vit D is NOT on the list

Update American Headache Society (AHS) 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting: Poster 51. Presented June 26, 2010.

from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/724646
Dr. John Claude Krusz

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108 headache.gif admin 07 Jul, 2010 11.96 Kb 2136
44 migraine headache patient like me.gif admin 14 May, 2010 20.08 Kb 2568
43 headache season.gif admin 14 May, 2010 5.70 Kb 2182