Why Does Australia Appear to Have the Highest Rates of Food Allergy?
Pediatric Clinics of North America
Katrina J. Allen, MBBS, FRACP, PhDa, b, c, d, e, , , Jennifer J. Koplin, PhDa, d
a Centre of Food and Allergy Research, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne 3052, Australia
b Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne 3052, Australia
c Department of Gastroenterology and Clinical Nutrition, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne 3052, Australia
d Department of Paediatrics, The Royal Children’s Hospital, University of Melbourne, Melbourne 3052, Australia
e Institute of Inflammation and Repair, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
The 3 key hypotheses for the rise in food allergy in the 21st century are currently
- (1) the hygiene hypothesis (which includes microbial diversity);
- (2) the dual allergen exposure (or Lack) hypothesis, and
- (3) the vitamin D hypothesis.
 Download the PDF of first page from VitaminDWiki
Note: hypothesis #1 and #2 would also be true anywhere around the world,
But only Australia has the most infants allergic to food
Australia started their avoidance of the sun campaign in the 1980s
Here is the graph of the resulting increase in food allergy in Australia
from   PDF on VitaminDWiki
Food allergy in New Zealand 2.2X MORE likely if high vitamin D - 2016.pdf
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
See also VitaminDWiki
- Cancer Council of Australia recommends 30 minutes of daily sunshine – June 2014
- Vitamin D research leads to surprising health tip – Australians need more time in the sun – May 2014
- "No hat, no play" in Australian primary schools
Pages listed in BOTH the Autoimmune and Australia-NZ