Table of contents
- Oral Cholecalciferol Supplementation in Sahara Black People with Chronic Kidney Disease Modulates Cytokine Storm, Oxidative Stress Damage and Athero-Thromboembolic Risk
- VitaminDWiki - Kidney category contains
- VitaminDWiki - Overview Kidney and vitamin D contains
- VitaminDWiki -
8 studies in both categories Kidney and Dark Skin - VitaminDWiki - Better than Daily contains
- VitaminDWiki - Chronic Kidney Disease needs Vitamin D - many studies
Oral Cholecalciferol Supplementation in Sahara Black People with Chronic Kidney Disease Modulates Cytokine Storm, Oxidative Stress Damage and Athero-Thromboembolic Risk
Nutrients. 2022 May 29;14(11):2285. doi: 10.3390/nu14112285.
Houda Zoubiri 1 2, Amina Tahar 1, Samir AitAbderrhmane 3, Messaoud Saidani 4, Elhadj-Ahmed Koceir 1Response to Daily Dosing
WSS =White South Sahara residents BSS =Black South Sahara residents
Response to Monthly Dosing
WSS =White South Sahara residents BSS =Black South Sahara residents
Note: Monthly groups started with a loading dose of 60,000 IU for 4 weeks
There were no loading doses for the daily groups
Zinc increased ~2X with monthly Vitamin D
Copper increased 2X with monthly Vitamin D
The 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25OHD3) deficiency in chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with immune system dysfunction (pro-inflammatory cytokines storm) through macrophages renal infiltration, oxidative stress (OxS) damage and athero-thromboembolic risk. Conversely, cholecalciferol supplementation (25OHD-S) prevents kidney fibrosis by inhibition of vascular calcification and nephrotic apoptosis (nephrons reduction). The objective of this study was to investigate the pleiotropic effects of 25OHD-S on immunomodulation, antioxidant status and in protecting against thromboembolic events in deficiency CKD Black and White individuals living in the Southern Sahara (SS).
The oral 25OHD-S was evaluated in 60,000 IU/month/36 weeks versus in 2000 IU/day/24 weeks in Black (n = 156) and White (n = 150). Total serum vitamin D was determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. All biomarkers of pro-inflammatory cytokines (PIC) were assessed by ELISA tests. OxS markers were assessed by Randox kits. Homocysteine and lipoproteine (a) were evaluated by biochemical methods as biomarkers of atherothromboembolic risk. All statistical analyses were performed with Student's t-test and one-way ANOVA. The Pearson test was used to calculate the correlation coefficient. The means will be significantly different at a level of p value < 0.05. Multiple logistic regressions were performed using Epi-info and Statview software. Vitamin D deficiency alters the PIC profile, OxS damage and atherothrombogenic biomarkers in both SS groups in the same manner; however, these disorders are more acute in Black compared to White SS individuals. The results showed that the serum 25OHD3 concentrations became normal (>75 nmol/L or >30 ng/mL) in the two groups.We have shown that the dose and duration of 25OHD-S treatment are not similar in Black SS residents compared to White SS subjects, whilst the same inhabit the south Sahara environment.
It appears that a high dose intermittent over a long period (D60: 36 weeks) was more efficient in Black people; while a lower dose for a short time is sufficient (D2: 24 weeks) in their White counterparts.
The oral 25OHD-S attenuates PIC overproduction and OxS damage, but does not reduce athero-thromboembolic risk, particularly in Black SS residents.
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VitaminDWiki - Kidney category contains
VitaminDWiki - Overview Kidney and vitamin D contains
- FACT: The Kidneys are not the primary way to activate vitamin D; the tissues are
- FACT: When the Kidney has problems, there is less active vitamin D (Calcitriol) for the body
- FACT: When the Kidney has problems, there is increased death due to many factors - many of which are associated with lack of Calcitriol
- FACT: There are many ongoing intervention clinical trials trying to determine how much of what kind of vitamin D is needed to treat the problem
- FACT: One Randomized Controlled Trial has proven that Vitamin D treats CKD
- FACT: 38% of seniors have Chronic Kidney Disease and most are unaware of it CDC statistics 2020
- FACT: Taking extra Vitamin D, in various forms, does not cause health problems - even if poor kidney
- Suggestion: Increase vitamin D getting into body now - and increase co-factors so that the vitamin D can be better used
Sun, UV lamp, Vitamin D supplement - probably > 5,000 IU,
Nanoemulstion vitamin D (inside cheek, topically) gets activated Vitamin D to the cells without the need for healthy kidney, liver, or intestine
Calcitriol - which bypasses the need for the kidney to activate vitamin D
Problems with Calcitriol however: typically only lasts for a few hours, also, possible complications
Update: Pre-cursor of active vitamin D made from plants is better than calcitriol – Sept 2012 - Category Kidney and Vitamin D contains
234 items
VitaminDWiki -
8 studies in both categories Kidney and Dark Skin This list is automatically updated
- Vitamin D treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease: monthly better than daily – RCT May 2022
- 26 health factors increase the risk of COVID-19 – all are proxies for low vitamin D
- Kidney Cancer differences with skin color probably due to vitamin D differences – May 2015
- Blacks have 4X more Kidney disease than whites – probably due to low vitamin D – March 2015
- Blacks have low vitamin D and have 50 percent more kidney failure – Sept 2011
- End stage kidney disease almost 3X more likely for blacks – 2009
- Virtually all black dialysis patients with low albumin are vitamin D deficient in the winter – Mar 2010
- Majority of blacks on dialysis were vitamin D deficient - March 2010
VitaminDWiki - Better than Daily contains
33 items in BETTER THAN DAILY category Non-daily (Bolus) is better:
- Better compliance for everyone
- Fewer opportunities to forget.
- If happen to forget, just take the dose many days later
- Fewer times to have to take a pill - for those who dislike doing so
- Non-daily gets more vitamin D to the cells for the ~20% who have a poor Vitamin D Receptor
- A high concentration gradient is one of 14+ ways to get past Vitamin D Receptor limitations
- So, while 80% get no extra benefit from non-daily dosing, 20% will get an extra benefit
- Weekly Vitamin D better than daily – lower cost, less pill burden, perhaps 1.5X better response – meta-analysis Oct 2024
- Vitamin D given daily, weekly, or monthly has similar response (116 RCTs) – meta-analysis Aug 2023
- 44 percent of successful RCTs in VitaminDWiki used non-daily dosing - Nov 2020
- Monthly vitamin D dosing better for children than daily (again) - Oct 2023
VitaminDWiki - Chronic Kidney Disease needs Vitamin D - many studies
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CKD RCT on this page found that both Zinc and Copper were increased only by monthly, not by daily dosing.
Suspect the monthly dosing got more vitamin D into cells by getting past gene limitationsVitamin D treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease: monthly better than daily – RCT May 20226634 visitors, last modified 18 Apr, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 17823 Coppe vitamin D monthly.jpg admin 10 Jun, 2022 37.59 Kb 373 17822 BW 60K Zinc.jpg admin 10 Jun, 2022 36.82 Kb 352 17821 60K monthly.jpg admin 10 Jun, 2022 147.18 Kb 334 17820 Table Daily.jpg admin 10 Jun, 2022 143.70 Kb 350 17819 Daily and monthly.pdf admin 10 Jun, 2022 464.55 Kb 222