
Breast Cancer and Vitamin D review – March 2018

Vitamin D and Breast Cancer: Past and Present

The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 2017;177:15-20.
JoEllen Welsh, PhD


Decrease Breast Cancer

3X If raise your Vitamin D blood levels
4X - 16X If increase activation of your Vitamin D Receptors
Note: Breast Cancer lowers the activation of Vitamin D Receptors

Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D contains the following summary and sections

Items in both categories Breast Cancer and Vitamin D Receptor are listed here:

The risk of 40 diseases at least double with poor Vitamin D Receptor as of July 2019

Vitamin D Receptor table shows what compensates for low VDR activation
Compensate for poor VDR by increasing one or more:

1) Vitamin D supplement  Sun
Ultraviolet -B
Vitamin D in the blood
and thus in the cells
2) MagnesiumVitamin D in the blood
 AND in the cells
3) Omega-3 Vitamin D in the cells
4) Resveratrol Vitamin D Receptor
5) Intense exercise Vitamin D Receptor
6) Get prescription for VDR activator
   paricalcitol, maxacalcitol?
Vitamin D Receptor
7) Quercetin (flavonoid) Vitamin D Receptor
8) Zinc is in the VDRVitamin D Receptor
9) BoronVitamin D Receptor ?,
10) Essential oils e.g. ginger, curcuminVitamin D Receptor
11) ProgesteroneVitamin D Receptor
12) Infrequent high concentration Vitamin D
Increases the concentration gradient
Vitamin D Receptor
13) Sulfroaphane and perhaps sulfurVitamin D Receptor
14) Butyrate especially gutVitamin D Receptor
15) BerberineVitamin D Receptor

Note: If you are not feeling enough benefit from Vitamin D, you might try increasing VDR activation. You might feel the benefit within days of adding one or more of the above

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Table of Contents

The presence of the vitamin D receptor in mammary gland and breast cancer has been recognized since the early 1980s, and multiple pre-clinical studies have demonstrated that its ligand 1,25D modulates normal mammary gland development and sensitivity to carcinogenesis. Although studies have characterized many 1,25D responsive targets in normal mammary cells and in breast cancers, validation of relevant targets that regulate cell cycle, apoptosis, autophagy and differentiation, particularly in vivo, has been challenging. Vitamin D deficiency is common in breast cancer patients and some evidence suggests that low vitamin D status enhances the risk for disease development or progression. Model systems of carcinogenesis have provided evidence that both VDR expression and 1,25D actions change with transformation but clinical data regarding vitamin D responsiveness of established tumors is limited and inconclusive. Because breast cancer is heterogeneous, analysis of VDR actions in specific molecular subtypes of the disease is necessary to clarify the conflicting data. Genomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses of in vitro and in vivo model systems is also warranted to comprehensively understand the network of vitamin D regulated pathways in the context of breast cancer heterogeneity

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11594 BC ToC.jpg admin 17 Mar, 2019 31.90 Kb 650
11593 Vitamin D and breast cancer - Past and present.pdf admin 17 Mar, 2019 407.84 Kb 698