Table of contents
- How the herbs help - Nov 2014
- Saw Palmetto (been used for 2000+ years)
- Pygeum (been used by whites for 300+ years)
- Beta Sitosterol (an active ingredient of Pygeum)
- Perhaps Vitamin K2 (already taking it)
- Benign prostate hyperplasia and nutrition (zinc and Vitamin D, and supplements like Saw palmetto, etc) 2019
- Age-Related Changes in Zinc, Copper and Selenium Levels in the Human Prostate - April 2021
- Zinc to shrink your prostate
- Zinc in Prostate Health and Disease: A Mini Review - Dec 2022
- There have been
168623 visits to this page
How the herbs help - Nov 2014
The Pharmacological Effects of Natural Products and Herbs in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Austin J Nutri Food Sci. 2014;2(10): 1054. full free text on-line
Summary: The pharmacological effects of plant extracts in the treatment of BPH.Name Main mechanisms of action Saw Palmetto extraction 5α-reductase inhibition; blockage androgen receptors; anti-proliferation; anti-inflammatory activity; prostate smooth muscle relaxation; Lycopene (tomatoe) 5α-reductase inhibition;; anti-proliferation; anti-inflammatory; anti-oxidant activity Urtica dioica extract (Stinging nettel root WEAK 5α-reductase inhibition; Decreased action of sex hormones; Pygeum africanum extract 5α-reductase inhibition;; anti-inflammatory activity
Summary figure
One company states that the ripest berries provide the most benefit
Saw Palmetto (been used for 2000+ years)
Note: One company states that the ripest berries provide the most benefitJAMA - 1998: similar to finastreride, with fewer adverse events
Saw Palmetto Extracts for Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Systematic Review
"However, the evidence suggests that S repens improves urologic symptoms and flow measures. Compared with finasteride, S repens produces similar improvement in urinary tract symptoms and urinary flow and was associated with fewer adverse treatment events. "Zdravniški Vestnik - 2014: efficacy 70%
Efficacy and safety of drug with plant extract of saw palmetto in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms because of benign prostatic enlargement
12 months 320 mg (Prostasan), IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score) score reduced from 14 to 11
"patients and doctors rated the efficacy of drug as good (69.7% and 72.4%) "Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal - Dec 2014: appears to be effective
Saw Palmetto, Serenoa repens, in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Mechanisms of Action and Reasons for its Use
"Metaanalyses and systematic reviews of the trials have concluded that S. repens appears to be effective in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. "
Link includes full free text
Video review of BPH supplements (some do not contain as much as claimed - Sept 2024
YouTube 27 minutes
00:00 Introduction
00:49 BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia)
01:52 Symptoms
04:10 Why does BPH occur?
09:41 How to reduce our risk
13:45 Supplements
15:41 Stinging mettle
22:06 Side effects
26:16 Takeaway unsure
Saw palmetto has undergone numerous trials and meta-analyses for BPH, with mixed results.
Pygeum (been used by whites for 300+ years)
Europe 1998 multicenter trial
Efficacy and Acceptability of Tadenan®(Pygeum africanum Extract) in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): A Multicentre Trial in Central Europe
2 months of 50 mg twice a day
Initially nocturia was 2.6 times per night. ==>1.8 per night (32% reduction)
Initially International Prostate Symptom Score was 16. ==> 9.6 (40% reduction)
Researchers were surprised to find that many of the benefits lasted for one month after supplementation was stopped.
Publisher wants $52 for the -~20% reduction
Urinary complications with Benign prostatic hyperplasia appear to be reduced with Pygeum supplementation in the range of 19-23% (including nocturia, residual urine volume,. . .
The bark of Pygeum tends to contain . . β-sitosterol (349-583mg/kg)
Also has a discussion on 2002 Cochrane meta-analysis of Pygeum
Beta Sitosterol (an active ingredient of Pygeum)
Life Extension Foundation - 2005
Report: Beta-Sitosterol
full free text online
Summary of Random Controlled TrialsCochrane - July 1999 It works
Beta-sitosterols for benign prostatic hyperplasia
"The review found that beta-sitosterol treatments were well tolerated and improved urinary symptoms and flow measures in men with mild to moderate BPH." full free text for patients, otherwise the publisher charges for the study
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Perhaps Vitamin K2 (already taking it)
Hypothesis: Vitamin K will reduce prostate blood vessel problems – Jan 2015
Benign prostate hyperplasia and nutrition (zinc and Vitamin D, and supplements like Saw palmetto, etc) 2019 FREE PDF
Age-Related Changes in Zinc, Copper and Selenium Levels in the Human Prostate - April 2021 FREE PDF
Zinc to shrink your prostate
- The #1 Important Nutrient to Shrink Your Prostate Dr. Berg 9 minute video
- Zinc Deficiency in Men Over 50 and Its Implications in Prostate Disorders Aug 2020 FREE PDF
- Does Zinc Work for Treating Prostatitis? - 2020 FREE TEXT
- Zinc Deficiency in Men Over 50 and Its Implications in Prostate Disorders = Aug 2020 DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2020.0129 PDF
Zinc in Prostate Health and Disease: A Mini Review - Dec 2022
Biomedicines 2022, 10(12), 3206;
by Nishi Karunasinghe
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, U. of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Introduction-With the high global prevalence of prostate cancer and associated mortalities, it is important to enhance current clinical practices for better prostate cancer outcomes. The current review is towards understanding the value of Zn towards this mission. Method-General information on Zn in biology and multiple aspects of Zn involvement in prostate health and disease were referred to in PubMed.Results-The most influential feature of Zn towards prostate health is its ability to retain sufficient citrate levels for a healthy prostate. Zn deficiencies were recorded in serum, hair, and prostate tissue of men with prostate cancer compared to non-cancer controls. Zn gut absorption, albumin binding, and storage compete with various factors. There are multiple associations of Zn cellular influx and efflux transporters, Zn finger proteins, matrix metalloproteinases, and Zn signaling with prostate cancer outcomes. Such Zn marker variations associated with prostate cancer recorded from biological matrices may improve algorithms for prostate cancer screening, prognosis, and management when coupled with standard clinical practices.
Discussion-The influence of Zn in prostatic health and disease is multidimensional, therefore more personalized Zn requirements may be beneficial. Several opportunities exist to utilize and improve understanding of Zn associations with prostate health and disease.
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Prostate problem (BPH) reduced by herbs, Zinc, Vitamin D etc.159764 visitors, last modified 19 Sep, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 19183 Pumpkin BPH.pdf admin 07 Feb, 2023 364.04 Kb 448 19179 Zin low if over 50.pdf admin 07 Feb, 2023 742.18 Kb 353 5644 SP2.jpg admin 04 Jul, 2015 52.51 Kb 2655 5643 LEF RCT.jpg admin 04 Jul, 2015 28.61 Kb 2265 5642 LEF IPSS.jpg admin 04 Jul, 2015 16.08 Kb 2404 5641 Herb F1.jpg admin 04 Jul, 2015 26.49 Kb 3552
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