Incorporation of lipid nanosystems containing omega-3 fatty acids and resveratrol in textile substrates for wound healing and anti-inflammatory applications
SN Applied Sciences, September 2019, 1:1007
Juliana Silva Rui Mesquita Eva Pinho Ana Caldas M. E. C. D. Real Oliveira Carla M. Lopes Marlene Lúcio Graça Soares
Note: Resveratrol activates the Vitamin D Receptor, thus getting more vitamin D to tissues
Note: Adding Vitamin D would probably have greatly helped
- Nanoemulsion Vitamin D may be a substantially better form
- Burns, ulcers, and wounds healed by Vitamin D - many studies
Vitamin D and Omega-3 category starts with
CIlck here for details
Omega-3 and Inflammation (items in both categories)
- Opioid addiction reduced by Omega-3 (gut inflammation in mice) – Aug 2019
- Treat wounds, stop inflammation with nanoemulsion textile of Omega-3 and Resveratrol - Sept 2019
- Inflammation is reduced by each of the following: Vitamin D, Omega-3, Diet
- Sepsis reduced the Omega-3 response and half life – April 2019
- Pollutants increase Respiratory problems, Vitamin D, Omega-3, etc. decrease them – May 2018
- Severe acute pancreatitis treated in 11 ways by Omega-3 in just 7 days – RCT April 2018
- Omega-3 treats animal inflammation better than human (those studies use higher doses and different ratios than for humans) - March 2018
- Omega-3 helps muscles and reduces inflammation, lipids, and insulin – Nov 2015
- Omega-3 improves gut bacteria, reduces inflammation and depression – Dec 2017
- Can burn pain be relieved by 4 g of Omega-3 and 2,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT due 2021
- 2.7 fewer days in hospital after surgery if had taken Omega-3 (19 RCT) – meta-analysis – June 2017
- Sepsis: 4 fewer days in ICU if add Omega-3 – meta-analysis of 12 RCT – June 2017
- Omega-3 reduces many psychiatric disorders – 2 reviews 2016
- Depression due to inflammation reduced by Omega-3 (children and pregnant) – Nov 2015
- Omega-7 - in addition to Omega-3
- Inflammation reduction through diet: Omega-3 etc. Feb 2014
- Traumatic brain injury treated by Vitamin D Progesterone Omega-3 and glutamine – May 2013
- Omega-3 reduced vitamin D3 inflammation for obese – RCT Jan 2013
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
In the present work, lipid nanosystems containing omega-3 fatty acid (nanostructured lipid carriers, NLCs) or omega-3 fatty acid and resveratrol (liposomes) were developed to improve cotton textile substrates as dressings with anti-inflammatory properties for wound healing applications. Lipid nanosystems were incorporated into woven, non-woven and knitted cotton substrates by exhaustion and impregnation. Based on physical–chemical characterization of the textile substrates, the textile structure and type of lipid nanosystems dictated the adsorption efficiency. In the case of NLCs, the woven substrate functionalized by exhaustion had a higher omega-3 release being the most promising for wound dressing application. Whereas for liposomes, the most adequate textile was the cationized knitted fabric functionalized by impregnation, that showed a more prolonged release profile of resveratrol.
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