
Parathyroid hormone level is inversely associated with both Vitamin D and age – April 2021

Combined Effects of Vitamin D Status, Renal Function and Age on Serum Parathyroid Hormone Levels

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) . 2021 Apr 30; doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.657991. eCollection 2021.
Dan Alexandru Niculescu 1 2, Laura Georgiana Deacu 2, Andra Caragheorgheopol 3, Nicoleta Popescu 4, Adina Ghemigian 5, Camelia Procopiuc 6, Roxana Rosca 7, Catalina Poiana 1 2


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Background: Vitamin D status and renal function are well-known independent predictors of serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels. We aimed to describe the combined effects of 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D), glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and age on serum PTH levels across the whole clinical spectrum.

Methods: We retrieved from our endocrinology center database all PTH measurement between 2012 and 2020 for which a simultaneous measurement of serum 25(OH)D, calcium and creatinine was available. Age, sex and diagnosis were available for all subjects. Intact PTH was measured using the same electrochemiluminescence assay.

Results: There were 6,444 adults and 701 children without a diagnosis of hyper- or hypoparathyroidism or abnormal serum calcium levels. In adults with 25(OH)D≥12 ng/mL multiple regression models showed that serum PTH was negatively correlated with both 25(OH)D and GFR. Regression (-0.68 and -1.59 vs. -0.45 and -0.22 respectively), partial correlation (-0.16 and -0.35 vs. -0.12 and -0.10 respectively) and determination coefficients (0.14 vs. 0.031) were higher in CKD than in normal renal function. In subjects with 25(OH)D<12 ng/mL, GFR was the only significant predictor in those with CKD (β-coefficient=-2.5, r=-0.55) and 25(OH)D was the only significant predictor in those with normal renal function (β-coefficient=-2.05, r=-0.11). Increasing age was associated with higher PTH levels only in those with normal renal function and 25(OH)D≥12 ng/mL.

Conclusions: We showed that declining vitamin D and renal function have additive effects on serum PTH in subjects without vitamin D deficiency. In vitamin D deficient subjects this dependency is stronger but is not additive anymore.

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