
A proposed way to confirm that you have taken your vitamin D

Rupturable blister pack

  • Can start using blister pack any day of the week
  • Shows which days have been taken - no need to remember
  • OK to forget vitamin D for a few days- just take all of the ones missed later.
  • OK to miss a few days (just 28 on card vs 30 or 31 for most months)



How Much

  • Typically 4,000 IU (the current US recommended maximum)
  • 400 IU if used as a placebo (random controlled trials)
  • > 4,000 IU for the very deficient: elderly , blacks, MS, Diabetes, far from sun, avoid the sun, etc.

Most vitamin D capsules are as small as a pea

Pea Corn and capsule of vitamin D - picture .jpg

Vitamin D is also available in other forms, such as liquid, sublingual, powder, etc.

Each bister can include co-factor pill

Note: Taking extra vitamin D has been found to be a great for eliminating aches, pains, flu, etc

Solution: Have an additional, unlabeled row in the blister pack


See also VitaminDWiki

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
475 vitamin D bister pack plus.gif Editor 24 Feb, 2011 11.71 Kb 1066
474 Daily vitamin D bister pack.gif Editor 24 Feb, 2011 10.67 Kb 1117
279 blister1.gif admin 04 Nov, 2010 12.11 Kb 1244