
India wants to cure Vitamin D Deficiency, unfortunately by fortifying with D2 not D3 – Jan 2019

Interventions for Prevention and Control of Epidemic of Vitamin D Deficiency

The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Jan 2019 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12098-019-02857-z
Raman Kumar Marwaha Aashima Dabas

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Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) remains a significant health challenge globally with its overwhelming effects on skeletal growth and varied associations with extra-skeletal diseases. The last decade has reported a high prevalence of VDD in all age-groups across all zones of India. Children and adolescents are most vulnerable to ill-effects of VDD as peak linear growth and bone mass accrual occurs during these years. Vitamin D deficiency in mothers predisposes their infants to have low serum vitamin D levels. Indians have increased susceptibility to develop VDD due to predominant vegetarian dietary habits, high melanin skin content, atmospheric pollution, modest tradition of clothing and limited availability of fortified foods. Vitamin D supplementation during infancy and childhood has emerged as an effective strategy to combat VDD. However, effects of vitamin D supplementation are transient and are not cost-effective as a maintenance strategy. Fortification of foodstuffs has been adopted by many developed countries globally which has emerged as a safe, efficacious and cost-effective strategy to control VDD. A strong political will and support is required to sustain food fortification in India. The current review focuses on strategies to prevent and control the epidemic of VDD in children.

Clipped from conclusion
In view of the Indian studies and available world literature documenting the safety and efficacy of vitamin D fortification of milk, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India issued a notification on 06th December 2016 calling for voluntary fortification of toned, double toned and skimmed milk with 550 IU of ergocalciferol per litre and vegetable oils with 4.4–6.4 IU (0.11–0.16μg) of vitamin D per gram of cooking oil [47]. It is proposed that this approach will ensure intake of at least 1/3 rd of RDA of vitamin D, assuming 400–500 ml of milk is consumed on daily basis

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