
Chronic liver disease treated by Vitamin D– Aug 2017

Vitamin D deficiency in chronic liver disease, clinical-epidemiological analysis and report after vitamin d supplementation

Gastroenterol Hepatol 2016;39:305-10 - DOI: 10.1016/j.gastre.2016.04.007, Vol. 40. Núm. 7. August - Sept 2017


Unfortunately the abstract does not indicate the vitamin D dosing used for treatment

Overview Liver and vitamin D contains the following summary

  • Fact: A properly functioning liver is needed for the efficient activation of vitamin D in the body
  • Fact: Liver diseases often result in lower levels of vitamin D
  • Fact: Various pain relievers damage the liver function
  • Fact: Lower levels of vitamin D result in osteoporosis and many other diseases
  • Options with a poorly functioning liver appear to be:
  1. Increased vitamin D (example: 2X more vitamin D if Liver is 1/2 as efficient)
  2. Increase the response you get from vitamin D
  3. Increase sunshine / UVB,
  4. Get the response you get from the sun/UVB
  5. Consider supplementing with Iron - a patented Iron supplement appears to work very well
  6. Get prescription for active form of vitamin D (Calcitriol) which does not need the liver or kidney to get the benefits of vitamin D in the body
  7. Get Calcidiol which does not need the liver
  8. Use Topical Vitamin D - activation by the skin etc does not require the liver

Click on image for ways of getting vitamin D even if Liver is not functioning well

  • "Chronic liver disease" refers to disease of the liver which lasts over a period of six months. It consists of a wide range of liver pathologies which include inflammation (chronic hepatitis), liver cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma."

Nereida Fernández Fernández, , Pedro Linares Torres, Diana Joáo Matias, Francisco Jorquera Plaza, Jose Luis Olcoz Goñi
Servicio de Aparato Digestivo, Hospital Universitario de León, León, Spain
Received 25 June 2015, Accepted 02 October 2015

Vitamin D (VD) is known to have multiple extra-skeletal health functions. There is emerging interest in exploring the relationship between vitamin D and chronic liver disease (CLD).

To determine the prevalence of VD deficiency in patients with CLD in our setting and to assess whether VD supplementation influences plasma levels and is associated with improved liver function.

Material and methods
We conducted a study in 2 phases. First, we analysed clinical and epidemiological characteristics in 94 patients with CLD; second, different doses of calcifediol (25-OH-VD) were administered to patients with VD deficiency (<20ng/mL) and insufficiency (20–30ng/mL). Plasma concentrations and liver function (Child–Pugh and MELD) at the end of treatment were compared with baseline data.

Deficient or insufficient VD levels were found in 87% of the patients, with an average concentration of 18.8ng/mL. Levels were lower in patients with cirrhosis (15.9ng/mL) (p=0.002) and in alcoholic liver disease. VD levels were inversely proportional to the degree of liver function: Child A (16.52ng/mL) vs Child C (7.75ng/mL).
After VD supplementation, optimal serum levels were achieved in 94% of patients and significant improvements were observed in

  • platelet count,
  • albumin levels (p<0.05) and
  • functional status assessed by the Child–Pugh scale (p<0.05).

Given the high prevalence of VD deficiency or insufficiency, the need for screening should be considered in the population with CLD. VD supplementation could be safe and effective.

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Chronic liver disease treated by Vitamin D– Aug 2017        
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