
Pigs used to get the flu only in the winter ( had got Vitamin D in the summer) - Nov 2018

Russ Daly: Is it flu season for animals too?

  • "Of our domestic animals, it’s pigs that most often encounter influenza — something we’ve recognized for decades. For much of that history, we considered swine influenza to be very much a seasonal disease. I remember being called out to examine groups of pigs in late fall and winter that suddenly went off feed and began coughing. The “barking” cough characteristic of a swine influenza outbreak made you wonder if the barn was filled with dogs instead of pigs! In most cases, these outbreaks would resolve themselves after a few days."
  • "Today, swine influenza paints a different picture. Those seasonal outbreaks of yesteryear typically occurred in pigs spending time outdoors."

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