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Ebooks on Vitamin D by Dr. Grimes - March 2013

Low-cost Kindle ebooks by Dr. Grimes

Both books are short, but very nice

VITAMIN D Evolution and actions $1.46

for the medically minded
Image Dr. Grimes  2013

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VITAMIN D What it can do for your baby  $1.46

very low tech. Aimed for the mother-to-be
Shows the importance of having good level of vitamin D during pregancy, either naturally (conception in March) or with supplements
Importance: far fewer dieases during life if born with a adequate level of vitamin D

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Short url =http://is.gd/GrimesVitaminD

See also VitaminDWiki

Ebooks on Vitamin D by Dr. Grimes - March 2013        
4639 visitors, last modified 09 May, 2013,
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
2487 Grimes Baby centenarians.jpg admin 09 May, 2013 16.82 Kb 749
2486 Grimes Baby menopause.jpg admin 09 May, 2013 14.97 Kb 704
2485 Grimes baby MS.jpg admin 09 May, 2013 12.63 Kb 716
2484 Grimes baby insulin.jpg admin 09 May, 2013 16.78 Kb 729
2483 Grimes Baby Cover.jpg admin 09 May, 2013 7.83 Kb 661
2482 Grimes3.jpg admin 09 May, 2013 15.60 Kb 739
2481 Grimes2.jpg admin 09 May, 2013 11.26 Kb 765
2480 Grimes Evolution Cover.jpg admin 09 May, 2013 7.78 Kb 757