Table of contents
- Recent advances in vitamin D implications in chronic respiratory diseases
- VitaminDWiki -
12 studies in both categories Breathing and Immunity - VitaminDWiki -
6 studies in both categories Breathing and Magnesium - VitaminDWiki - Breathing category contains
- VitaminDWiki - Overview Asthma and Vitamin D contains
- VitaminDWiki - Cystic Fibrosis category contains
- VitaminDWiki - COPD Overview contains
- VitaminDWiki - 5 related items
- Vitamin D meta-analyses of Virus
44 studies - VitaminDWiki -
25 studies in both categories Breathing and Virus
Recent advances in vitamin D implications in chronic respiratory diseases
Respir Res. 2022 Sep 19;23(1):252. doi:10.1186/s12931-022-02147-x
Mellissa Gaudet 1 , Maria Plesa 1 , Andrea Mogas 1 , Nour Jalaleddine 2 , Qutayba Hamid 3 4 , Saba Al Heialy 5 6PDF Table of Contents
Chronic airway inflammatory and infectious respiratory diseases are the most common medical respiratory conditions, associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Vitamin D (1,25(OH)2D3) deficiency has been shown to be highly prevalent in patients with chronic airway inflammatory and infectious diseases, correlated with increased disease severity. It has been established that vitamin D modulates ongoing abnormal immune responses in chronic respiratory diseases and is shown to restrict bacterial and viral colonization into the lungs. On the contrary, other studies revealed controversy findings regarding vitamin D efficacy in respiratory diseases. This review aims to update the current evidence regarding the role of vitamin D in airway inflammation and in various respiratory diseases. A comprehensive search of the last five years of literature was conducted using MEDLINE and non-MEDLINE PubMed databases, Ovid MEDLINE, SCOPUS-Elsevier, and data from in vitro and in vivo experiments, including clinical studies. This review highlights the importance of understanding the full range of implications that vitamin D may have on lung inflammation, infection, and disease severity in the context of chronic respiratory diseases.
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VitaminDWiki -
12 studies in both categories Breathing and Immunity This list is automatically updated
- Vitamin D energizes the innate and adaptive immune systems to fight lung inflammation – Sept 2022
- Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Infants reduced 5.9 X by daily 600 IU of vitamin D (China) - March 2020
- Common cold prevented and treated by Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea – review April 2018
- Inflammation and immune responses to Vitamin D (perhaps need to measure active vitamin D) – July 2017
- Fluid in lung (pleural effusion) associated with low vitamin D – July 2016
- Immune response to respiratory viruses – vitamin D connection – review May 2015
- Respiratory infections (RTI) cut in half by 20,000 IU weekly vitamin D if initially deficient – RCT March 2015
- Infectious Disease typically not treated if use less than 4000 IU vitamin D daily– review Oct 2014
- The lower the vitamin D level the more severe the rare bronchiectasis – Oct 2012
- Review of infectious diseases vitamin D trials – Feb 2012
- Additional 4 ng of vitamin D reduced chance of infection by 7 percent – June 2011
- Vitamin D patent for treating immune system diseases
VitaminDWiki -
6 studies in both categories Breathing and Magnesium This list is automatically updated
- Asthma is also fought by Magnesium - several studies
- COPD is strongly associated with magnesium deficiency – Oct 2024
- Asthma severe when both Vitamin D AND Magnesium are low – Oct 2016
- Magnesium is associated with better quality of life in COPD, not Vitamin D – March 2015
- Why deficiencies in vitamin D and magnesium are linked to asthma
VitaminDWiki - Breathing category contains
457 items in Breathing category Breathing-related Overviews at VitaminDWiki:
Allergy Lung Cancer TB Asthma Influenza Colds and flu
Pneumonia Respiratory infections COPD Air Polution Smoking Cystic Fibrosis
VitaminDWiki - Overview Asthma and Vitamin D contains
- VitaminDWiki pages containing ASTHMA in title (164 as of Nov 2024)
- Asthma attacks reduced in half if Vitamin D level higher than 42 nanograms – RCT May 2014
- Started with 100,000 IU loading dose and has standard-of-care Asthma drug
- Asthma may be treated by Vitamin D if more than 40 ng for 12 months – Sept 2018
- Those with Asthma or COPD had half the response to Vitamin D – March 2020
- Those with Asthma need larger doses to get the same response.
- Probably need gut-friendly Vitamin D
- CDC funded study: 1.3 X Asthma risk if vaccination contained aluminum – Sept 2022
- Asthma occurrence rate reduced 3X by Vitamin D – 8 study meta-analysis - Aug 2021
- Asthma in child 2.3 X more likely if both parents asthmatic (unless add Vitamin D) – VDAART Nov 2018
- Adult-onset asthma 2X more likely if low vitamin D and not hyperallergenic – May 2018
- Children had poor lung function if mothers had low vitamin D while pregnant – Nov 2022
- 26 health factors increase the risk of COVID-19 – all are proxies for low vitamin D
- CDC list of high-risk for COVID-19 includes Asthma
- Child Asthma increased 2.1 X by antibiotics, Child milk allergy increased 4.4 X by PPI – April 2018
- Asthmatic children taking Corticosteroids had 2X more vitamin D intake, but lower levels – July 2017
- Traffic pollution increases asthma unless supplement with Vitamin D (mice) June 2018
- Childhood asthma problems eliminated for months by 600,000 IU of Vitamin D injection – June 2017
- Proof that Vitamin D Works 99 health problems prevented/treated as of Feb 2025
- Asthma has been proven to be treated by Vitamin D in at least 4 random controlled trials
- Childhood asthma still reduced 4 months after 800 IU of Vitamin D daily - RCT Feb 2016
- Respiratory Disease exacerbations (Asthma, CF, COPD) may be treated by Vitamin D – July 2019
- Women with asthma 35X more likely to be vitamin D deficient – Oct 2013
- If high vitamin D during pregnancy the child is 5X less likely to get asthma
- Asthma is treated by Vitamin D – now they are trying to understand why – Feb 2015
- Increase in vitamin D deficiency may partially explain increases in asthma and allergies – Jan 2015
- Why deficiencies in vitamin D and magnesium are linked to asthma Magnesium allows muscles to relax
- Babies 3.6X more likely to go to hospital for asthma if asthmatic mother had low vitamin D while pregnant – June 2019
- The worse the bronchial asthma, the lower the vitamin D – Jan 2017 has the following chart
click on the chart to see the study
VitaminDWiki - Cystic Fibrosis category contains
52 Cystic Fibrosis items Highlights - Cystic Fibrosis patients have low vitamin D (need different dosing) – meta-analysis Jan 2024
- Cystic Fibrosis appears associated with poor Vitamin D genes (radioactive tracing) – May 2023
- Poor or no response to vitamin D was associated with poor genes (cystic fibrosis, 4 genes) Sept 2022
- Cystic Fibrosis is safely treated by high-dose Vitamin D – Sept 2019
- Cystic Fibrosis patients need different forms of Vitamin D – Nov 2021
- Cystic Fibrosis probably treated by Vitamin D (if use enough of the right type ) – Oct 2019
- Cystic Fibrosis helped in many ways by Vitamin K – July 2019
- Cystic Fibrosis vitamin D recommendations are not enough - Dec 2021
- Half of Cystic Fibrosis patients have low Magnesium levels – April 2022
- Powder-based Vitamin D may be gut-friendly (Cystic Fibrosis) – RCT Aug 2017
- Inhaled Vitamin D looks like a possibility for CF - VitaminDWiki
VitaminDWiki - COPD Overview contains
VitaminDWiki - 5 related items
- Inhaled vitamin D help lungs - many studies
- Overview Lung cancer and vitamin D
- Overview Tuberculosis and Vitamin D
- Pneumonia and low vitamin D - many studies
- Inflammation
Vitamin D meta-analyses of Virus
44 studies This list is automatically updated
- COVID ICU use reduced by 42% if take more than 100,000 IU of vitamin D over two weeks – meta-analysis Sept 2024
- Vaccinations did not stop COVID (68 studies) – meta-analysis May 2023
- Influenza risk cut in half by the only trial giving enough vitamin D for body weight – meta-analysis Jan 2022
- Multiple Vitamin D doses reduced COVID ICU by 2.5 X , Mech. Ventilation by 5.5 X – meta-analysis May 2024
- COVID death rate in hospital halved if take any amount of vitamin D for any length of time – meta-analysis May 2024
- COVID and Vitamin D: 2X more likely to die if low, 2X more likely to survive if supplement – umbrella meta-analysis April 2024
- COVID fought by Vitamin D: 2.3X less likely to die of COVID if supplemented, 1.9 X less likely to become infected – meta-analysis March 2024
- COVID Vaccinations increased risk of cardiac deaths in youths by 19% - Aug 2023
- T1 Diabetes increased by 27% by second year of COVID – meta-analysis June 2023
- Yet another reason to take Vitamin D while pregnant – fight COVID - meta-analysis May 2023
- COVID death 1.5 X less likely if high vitamin D, emergency D (50K to 100K) is great – meta-analysis March 2023
- COVID ICU 3X less-likely if take any amount and type of Vitamin D – meta-analysis Jan 2023
- COVID and Vitamin D: any amount of D, at any time, for any duration reduced ICU - meta-analysis Dec 2022
- Worse COVID during 3Q pregnancy if 2.5 ng lower Vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2022
- Severe COVID 2.6 X less likely if supplement with Vitamin D – 26th meta-analysis - July 2022
- COVID Long-Haul prevalence increases with time: 50% at 4 months - meta June 2022
- COVID test positive is about half as likely if have Vitamin D – 24th meta-analysis - Jan 2022
- Small amounts of Vitamin D reduce Influenza risk by 22 percent (loading dose is far better) – meta-analysis Jan 2022
- Vitamin D fights COVID (54 studies of 1,400,000 people) – 23rd meta-analysis - Dec 2021
- COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D (reduce ICU by 3X) - 22nd meta-analysis - Dec 29, 2021
- COVID-19 death increased 2X if low Vitamin D (less than 10 to less than 30 ng) – 21st meta-analysis Dec 2021
- COVID-19 risk reduced by vitamin D supplementation – umbrella review of 7 meta-analysis – Oct 2021
- COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D (example: ICU reduced by 5X) – 20th meta-analysis Oct 13, 2021
- Severe COVID-19 2.5 X more likely if low vitamin D (23 studies) – 19th meta-analysis Oct 2021
- COVID-19 mortality extrapolates to zero at 50 ng of vitamin D – 18th Meta-analysis Sept 2021
- COVID-19 death 1.6 X more likely if low vitamin D (24 studies) – 17th meta-analysis Aug 2021
- Severe COVID-19 5X more likely if low vitamin D (23 studies) – 16th meta-analysis July 2021
- Severe COVID-19 3.5 more likely if low vitamin D (30 studies) – meta-analysis July 2021
- COVID-19 patients who had supplemented with Vitamin D were 3X less likely to enter ICU – June 2021
- Low Calcium associated with severe COVID-19 – several studies
- COVID-19 mortality 3X more likely if low vitamin D (999,179 people) – meta-analysis March 29, 2021
- COVID-19 was 2.6X more severe if very low Vitamin D (43 studies) – meta-analysis March 26, 2021
- Low Vitamin D associated with 2.7X more severe COVID-19 – 12th MA March 5, 2021
- Vitamin D supplementation fights COVID-19 – 11th meta-analysis Jan 24, 2021
- 3.7 X less likely to die of COVID-19 if supplemented with Vitamin D - meta-analysis Jan 5, 2021
- Less likely to test positive for COVID-19 if higher Vitamin D – meta-analysis Jan 6, 2021
- Vitamin D reduces COVID-19 by 80 percent - anonymous meta-analysis - Jan 5, 2021
- COVID-19 1.7X more likely to be severe if low Vitamin D - meta-analysis Oct 2020
- Low Vitamin D associated 1.8X increased risk of COVID-19 death in hospital – meta-analysis Nov 4, 2020
- Acute viral respiratory infections (RTI) reduced by Vitamin D - 20 reviews - Aug 2020
- Prudent to consider that Vitamin D has a role in COVID-19 – meta-analysis – Aug 7, 2020
- Risk of enveloped virus infection is increased 50 percent if poor Vitamin D Receptor - meta-analysis Dec 2018
- Hepatitis B patients have 2 ng lower level of Vitamin D – meta-analysis June 2019
- Influenza Vaccination not benefited by lowish levels of vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2018
VitaminDWiki -
25 studies in both categories Breathing and Virus This list is automatically updated
- Newly diagnosed Asthma increased 13% if COVID vaccination (200,000 US children) – Sept 2024
- France has injected 200,000 infants with RSV vaccine, based on no long-term data - Here we go again - Dec 2023
- Vitamin D energizes the innate and adaptive immune systems to fight lung inflammation – Sept 2022
- Calcifediol (semi-activated Vitamin D) might treat Respiratory Diseases such as COVID - July 2022
- Croup (due to viruses) has surged with Omicron - March 2022
- Compare symptoms of Omicron, Flu and Colds
- Small amounts of Vitamin D reduce Influenza risk by 22 percent (loading dose is far better) – meta-analysis Jan 2022
- Italians entering hospital for breathing problems had low vitamin D (with and without COVID), Vitamin D should help – Nov 2021
- Superspreaders appear to have viscous lung fluids or be obese
- COVID-19 lung death 4X more likely in Iran if less than 25 ng of vitamin D – Oct 30, 2020
- Acute viral respiratory infections (RTI) reduced by Vitamin D - 20 reviews - Aug 2020
- COVID ARDS deaths 2X more likely if less than 10 ng of Vitamin D – Aug 8, 2020
- Respiratory viral infection (RSV) and low vitamin D - many studies
- Zinc, respiratory tract infections and COVID-19 – July 2020
- Vitamin D reduces viral respiratory infections – editorial April 18, 2020
- Viral infection wheezing 24X more likely if less than 15 ng of Vitamin D – Dec 2019
- Ultraviolet light kills cold and flu viruses, and generates Vitamin D in the skin
- Respiratory Virus risk reduced 35 percent by Vitamin D (14,000 IU weekly) – RCT Oct 2018
- Common cold prevented and treated by Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea – review April 2018
- Half the risk of Influenza -A in infants taking 1200 IU of vitamin D for 4 months – RCT Jan 2018
- Loss of smell may be related to low Zinc or perhaps low vitamin D
- Severe Pertussis is 1.5 times more likely if poor vitamin D receptor – Feb 2016
- Immune response to respiratory viruses – vitamin D connection – review May 2015
- Overview Colds and flu and Vitamin D
- Influenza reduced by 1.7 with 1200 IU D3, also reduced related asthma by 6X – RCT May 2010
PDF references
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- Gilbert CR, Arum SM, Smith CM. Vitamin D deficiency and chronic lung disease. J Can Respir J. 2009;16(3):75–80. - PubMed - DOI
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- Pincikova T, Paquin-Proulx D, Sandberg JK, Flodstrom-Tullberg M, Hjelte L. Clinical impact of vitamin D treatment in cystic fibrosis: a pilot randomized, controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2017;71(2):203–5. - PubMed - DOI
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- Hansdottir S, Monick MM, Hinde SL, Lovan N, Look DC, Hunninghake GW. Respiratory epithelial cells convert inactive vitamin D to its active form: potential effects on host defense. J Immunol. 2008;181(10):7090–9. - PubMed - DOI
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- McNally P, Coughlan C, Bergsson G, Doyle M, Taggart C, Adorini L, et al. Vitamin D receptor agonists inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokine production from the respiratory epithelium in cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros. 2011;10(6):428–34. - PubMed - DOI
- Liu PT, Stenger S, Li H, Wenzel L, Tan BH, Krutzik SR, et al. Toll-like receptor triggering of a vitamin D-mediated human antimicrobial response. Science. 2006;311(5768):1770–3. - PubMed - DOI
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