Toggle Health Problems and D

Those raising Vitamin D above 30 ng were 1.4 X less likely to die of Heart Attack (VA 19 years) – Oct 2021

The Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation and 25-hydroxyvitamin D Levels on The Risk of MI and Mortality

Prakash Acharya M.D.*, Tarun Dalia M.D.*, Sagar Ranka M.D.*, Prince Sethi M.D.*, Olurinde A. Oni M.B.B.S., M.P.H.j, Maya S. Safarova M.D., PhD, * Deepak Parashara M.D. *tî, Kamal Gupta M.D. *, Rajat S. Barua M.D., Ph.D rajat.barua@va. gov|J

  • Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Cente City, KS


Objective: Aim of the study was to examine the effects of the vitamin D (Vit-D) treatment and non-treatment on Vit-D-deficient patients without a prior history of myocardial infarction (MI).

Materials and Methods: This is an retrospective, observational, nested case-control study of patients (N=20,025) with low 25-hydroxyvitamin D [(25-OH)D] levels (<20 ng/ml) who received care at the Veterans Health Administration from 1999-2018. Patients were divided into three groups: Group A (untreated, levels <20 ng/ml), Group B (treated, levels 21-29 ng/ml), and Group C (treated, levels >30 ng/ml). The risk of MI and all-cause-mortality were compared utilizing propensity score-weighted cox-proportional hazard models.

Results. Among the cohort of 20,025 patients, the risk of MI was significantly lower in Group C, compared to Group B [hazard ratio (HR) 0.65, 95% CI; 0.49-0.85, P=.002] and Group A (HR 0.73, 95% CI; 0.55-0.96), P=.02). There was no difference in the risk of MI between Group B and Group A (HR 1.14, 95% CI; 0.91-1.42, P=.24]. Compared to Group A, both Group B (HR 0.59, 95% CI; 0.54-0.63, P<.001] and Group C (HR 0.61, 95% CI; 0.56-0.67, P<.001] had significantly lower all-cause-mortality. There was no difference in all-cause- mortality between Group B and Group C (HR 0.99, 95% CI; 0.89-1.09, P=.78).

Conclusions. In patients with Vit-D-deficiency and no prior history of MI, treatment to the (25-OH)D level of >20 ng/ml and >30 ng/ml was associated with a significantly lower risk of all-cause-mortality. The lower risk of MI was observed only in individuals maintaining the (25-OH)D levels >30 ng/ml.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Description of the study at MedPage Today    Interview of the lead author   Video of study by Dr. Campbell Oct 2021


During the 19 year study period it was thought that rasing vitamin D levels to 30 ng was enough
   Suspect that >50 ng would be much better

Suspect Magnesium and/or Omega-3 would also reduce cardiovascular deaths even more

  • 15 articles are in both Cardiovascular and Magnesium categories
  • 34 articles are in both Cardiovascular and Omega-3 categories

Cardiovascular category

526 items In Cardiovascular category

Cardiovascular category is associated with other categories: Diabetes 31, Omega-3 31 , Vitamin K 25 , Intervention 22 . Mortality 20 , Skin - Dark 18 , Magnesium 17 , Calcium 14 , Hypertension 14 , Trauma and surgery 13 , Stroke 13 , Kidney 12 , Metabolic Syndrome 11 , Seniors 10 , Pregnancy 8 as of Aug 2022

Items in both categories Cardiovascular and Mortality

VA found less testing for vitamin D resulted in increased health costs – Jan 2012

VA found less testing for vitamin D resulted in increased health costs – Jan 2012

Veterans and Vitamin D - many studies

Perhaps 4,000 dollars annual less health care costs if supplement with 5 dollars of Vitamin D

    • Chart of VA hospital data of current study compared with German hospital data published in 2017

Veterans and Germans VDW 8910

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16506 MI survival.jpg admin 28 Oct, 2021 63.00 Kb 495
16505 MI Vitamin D.pdf admin 28 Oct, 2021 1.10 Mb 275