Toggle Health Problems and D

Patients with larger waistlines 'should have vitamin D levels checked' - May 2018

Patients with larger waistlines 'should have vitamin D levels checked' - May 2018 Nursing Times

The study, presented at the European Society of Endocrinology

  • “The strong relationship suggests that individuals with larger waistlines are at a greater risk of developing deficiency”


  • Fact: Vitamin D reduces weight gain
  • Fact: Vitamin D helps weight reduction
  • Fact: Overweight and Obese people are highly likely to be Vitamin D deficient
  • Fact: For overweight and Obese. Achieving a good level of vitamin D reduces many associated health problems

Overview Obesity and Vitamin D contains the following summary

See also: Weight loss and Vitamin D - many studies   Child Obesity and Vitamin D - many studies   Obesity, Virus, and Vitamin D - many studies
Obese need more Vitamin D

  • Normal weight     Obese     (50 ng = 125 nanomole)

Click here for 2014 study


  • Normal weight     Obese     (50 ng = 125 nanomole)

Click here for 2014 study

See also

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday May 21, 2018 17:28:29 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 2)