The “Deadly Breast Cancer Gene” Is A Myth, Lancet Study Confirms – Jan 2018

Green Med Information

  • “The study, published in The Lancet Oncology, found 12% of 2,733 women aged 18 to 40 treated for breast cancer at 127 hospitals across the UK between 2000 and 2008 had a BRCA mutation.
  • “The women's medical records were tracked for up to 10 years.”
  • “During this time, 651 of the women died from breast cancer, and those with the BRCA mutation were equally likely to have survived at the two-, five- and 10-year mark as those without the genetic mutation.”
  • “This was not affected by the women's body mass index or ethnicity.”
  • “About a third of those with the BRCA mutation had a double mastectomy to remove both breasts after being diagnosed with cancer. This surgery did not appear to improve their chances of survival at the 10-year mark.”
  • Lancet study
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Very little difference in mortality


Studies on average show little mortality difference



Summary: BRCA does increase the chance of getting breast cancer, but does NOT increase the chance of dying from Breast cancer for young women (<40 years)

6455 visitors, last modified 14 Jan, 2018,
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