Pesticides 8 X less likely to result in female infertility if take vitamin D – Sept 2023

Vitamin D Intake Attenuated the Association between Pesticides Exposure and Female Infertility

Clin Lab. 2023 Sep 1;69(9). doi: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2023.230201.
Chunxiu Wu, Xiaoqin Xin, Jianlan Chen

Background: Only a few epidemiological studies have illuminated the association between pesticide exposure and female infertility. However, evidence of the available data is restricted and also controversial. Vitamin D supplement was considered as having a beneficial effect on fertility. So, the purpose of our study is to assess the effect of dietary vitamin D consumption on the relationship between pesticide exposure in home and female infertility.

Methods: There were a total of 2,968 subjects from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2011 - 2018. The daily vitamin D intake was divided into two groups high intake (≥ 6 µg/d) and low intake (< 6 µg/d). Multi-variable logistic regression analysis was used to assess the relationship among vitamin D intake, pesticide exposure, and female infertility.

Results: We found a significant association between household pesticide exposure and infertility on a basis of a fully-adjusted model (OR 1.61; 95% CI 1.1 - 2.37). Furthermore, the relationship between pesticide exposure and in-fertility differed from low vitamin D intake group (OR 3.96; 95% CI 1.77 - 8.86) and high intake group (OR 1.36, 95% CI: 0.86 - 2.16), and p for interaction is 0.043 stratified by vitamin D intake.

Conclusions: A significant association of female infertility with pesticide exposure in home is modified by dietary vitamin D consumption. This was the first study to demonstrate that dietary vitamin D may alter associations of human female infertility with pesticide exposure in home.
8 X = (3.96 -1) / (1.36 -1) Note: Low D = <240 IU daily

7 Other pesticide and Vitamin D studies in VitaminDWiki

Search for (pesticides OR DDT) Vitamin D: 223,000 studies in Google Scholar

as of Sept 2023

  • Associations between Organochlorine Pesticides and Vitamin D Deficiency in the U.S. Population - Jan, 2012 FREE PDF
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  • Autism Spectrum Disorder and Prenatal or Early Life Exposure to Pesticides: A Short Review - Oct 2021 FREE PDF
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