Oral contraceptive use associated with higher levels of vitamin D – thesis June 2012

Oral contraceptive use and vitamin D status among women ages 15-44 in the US: a cross- sectional study

Brinker, Kimberly Ann (2012)
Master's Thesis (158 pages)
Committee Chair / Thesis Adviser: Sullivan, Kevin M Sharma, Andrea (CDC);
Committee Members: Oraka, Emeka (ICF International);
Research Fields: Health Sciences, Epidemiology
Partnering Agencies: CDC
Program: Career Masters of Public Health (Applied Epidemiology)

Purpose: This analysis was conducted to determine the association between oral
contraceptive (OC) use and vitamin D status in women ages 15-44 by analyzing data
from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001-2006.

Methods: The sample was limited to women ages 15-44 who were not pregnant or
breastfeeding, had no history of having an ovary removed or hysterectomy, and were not
taking any forms of estrogen and progestin for any reason other than OC. Characteristics
including age, race, income, body mass index (BMI), dietary supplement use, and
seasonality were analyzed.

Women with serum 25(OH)D levels <19ng/mL were considered vitamin D insufficient while those with serum 25(OH)D levels >19ng/mL were considered sufficient.
A logistic regression model was used to estimate prevalence ratios of vitamin D insufficiency by oral contraceptive use when taking the aforementioned characteristics into account.

Results: OC use was significantly associated with vitamin D status when accounting for
age, race, income, BMI, dietary supplement use, and seasonality.
Women using OC had a lower prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency than non-OC users (prevalence ratio 0.59).
Among women who were categorized as vitamin D insufficient, 19.1% were OC users
whereas 44.6% were non-OC users.

Conclusion: The findings suggest that OC use does affect serum 25(OH)D concentrations.
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