Metabolic Syndrome in children is associated with low vitamin D – review Jan 2013

The Association Between Vitamin D and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Children - A Systematic Review

CLIN PEDIATR January 8, 2013 0009922812470742
Diana H. Dolinsky, MD, MPH
Sarah Armstrong, MD
Caren Mangarelli, MD
Alex R. Kemper, MD, MPH, MS
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA
Sarah Armstrong, Department of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, 4020 North Roxboro Street, Durham, NC 27704, USA Email:

The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) and cardiometabolic risk in children and the effect of vitamin D supplementation on risk.

We included 35 clinical trials, cross-sectional studies, case-control studies, and cohort studies that evaluated the relationship between 25OHD and

  • blood pressure,
  • lipid levels,
  • insulin/glucose metabolism,
  • endothelial dysfunction, and
  • arterial stiffness.

One randomized clinical trial that randomized adolescents to 2000 or 400 IU/d of vitamin D and found improvement in arterial stiffness in the high-dose group and worsening in the low-dose group.

One cross-sectional study found no relationship between 25OHD and endothelial dysfunction.

Of 12 cross-sectional studies,

  • 10 found an inverse association between 25OHD and systolic blood pressure, although
  • 2 trials found no relationship.

There was no consistent association between 25OHD and lipid levels or insulin/glucose metabolism. Insufficient evidence was available to conclude that vitamin D supplementation yields cardiometabolic benefit.

From Wikipedia

Metabolic syndrome is also known as
metabolic syndrome X,
cardiometabolic syndrome,
syndrome X,
insulin resistance syndrome,
Reaven's syndrome (named for Gerald Reaven), and
CHAOS (in Australia)

See also VitaminDWiki

See also Clinical Trials for Metabolic Syndrome

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