Medical students in Pakistan – 1 in 3 aware than sun creates Vitamin D, 1 in 12 get noon sun – Jan 2015

Attitude of Future Healthcare Provider towards Vitamin D Significance in Relation to Sunlight Exposure

Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, Available online 10 January 2015, oi:10.1016/j.jsps.2015.01.004
Aysha Zia Qureshia, 1, 3, , Zubia Zia, b, 4, , Mehnaz Nuruddin Gitayc, 2, 5, , Muhammad Umair Khana, 6, , Muhammad Saad Khana, 7,
a Institute of Business Management (IoBM), Karachi, Pakistan
b Baqai Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Baqai Medical University
c DIMC- Dow University of Health Sciences

Nature is the kindest of all to provide man with all the necessary components for a healthy life at easily accessible lengths. The deprivation arises with unawareness and lack of correct measures to extract the benefits. Medical education makes the youth aware of the numerous disorders and diseases, as well as their preventions and treatments. This awareness needs to be realized and implemented in the society, and it is not possible without the advisers acting on the same lines. Since doctors are the most trusted and their advice is adopted without much thought, it is extremely inevitable to analyze the attitude of medical students of various levels to understand the cause of their negligence towards their own deficiencies, the focus for this study being vitamin D (VD).

A cross sectional descriptive study was done on undergraduate medical students of health profession from different universities of Pakistan to access the awareness regarding VD deficiency associated with sunlight. Informed consent was duly signed by each participant after which self-constructed questionnaire was provided to them and data is collected. SPSS 17 was used for Statistical analysis.

Final students are well aware of VD significance, take food rich in VD but still suffer from fatigue and muscular pain. No treatment was taken for fatigue and muscular pain by majority of these sufferers and those who took treatment were VD supplement. The health sufferers were mostly those who avoided sunlight highlighting the role of VD in maintaining an active lifestyle as well as the significance of sunlight in maintaining VD levels.

It can be concluded that in spite of awareness, the role of sunlight exposure and the proper time and duration of exposure cannot be ignored to create a healthy and active society.

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See also VitaminDWiki

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